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On Three Kinds of Science and Their Different Humanistic Meanings
WANG Hong-sheng
Abstract: science is a kind of culture incarnating the reason of civilization. Modern science includes natural science, social science and human science. Natural science studies the things that are outside human beings. Social science explains the phenomena emerging between human beings. Human science describes the inner feelings, senses, impressions and perceptions of human beings, rethinks their beliefs, values and ideas. In fact, it probes the depth and breadth in spaces of human feeling, thinking and imagination. These three kinds of science show the changing of contents and forms of scientific reason facing up to the nature, society and culture, but they still are science. The base of science is biological human being, also social and cultural human being. But in the proper sense, the human science is better than social science and natural science in bringing light to the essence of scientific culture.
Key words: natural science, social science, human science
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