目 录
导 论
第1章 认知科学中循环问题的提出
1.1 循环现象与循环问题
1.1.1 形形色色的循环现象
1.1.2 循环现象的特性及种类
1.1.3 循环问题的特性
第2章 表征-计算进路中的循环
第3章 具身的生成进路中的循环
3.1.1 具身的二重性——人类经验和认知科学的循环
3.1.2 作为生成的认知
第4章 认知科学中循环现象带来的循环问题
4.1.1 思维方式层面的循环现象
4.1.2 循环现象的特性
4.3 研究循环问题的意义
结 语 123
参考文献 126
后 记 132
摘 要
The main theme of cognitive science is the human’s mind and intelligence which the characteristics of man as man. And cognitive science itself is an advanced cognitive activity as a human activity. So there is circulation in cognitive science which is between the subject and object of cognition and between cognitive process itself. We can find this circulation from the first-person and third-person which are the subjective and objective perspective. This cycle is a "self" recognition from the first-person point of view. And this cycle is a process of its own understanding of things from the third-person perspective.
The human mind and the brain are the most complex thing in the universe. Cognitive behaviors of human which include from sensory perception to higher-order thinking are also complex. The circulation in the cognitive science which is a complex cognitive activity is a cycle with multiple levels of features. I will analyze the circulation in the higher-order cognition because we have little know about the sensory perception.
Circulation exists in various areas from the circulation of the water to the circulation of more complex genetic information and the paradox in the abstract thinking. We can find two characteristics from these circulations: at least two similar or same things and a diachronic process. There are many methods to classify the circulation. One of them which is fatal for depicting circulation in the cognitive is to classify circulation by whether including reference and semantics.
Representation-Computation approach is mainstream cognitive science research approach. There are two sub-approachs depending on the characterization of the structure of representation. The one is based on token and the other one is based on connection. We find that there are two different way of thinking that behind the sub-approach rely on analyzing the structure of representation and computation. And we although analyzing the history of computationalism and representationnalism. One of two ways of thinking is describing mind by clearly language and another is formalizing the thought. Those two ways of thinking have different performance in different stages of history. And ultimately those two ways of thinking spawned a successful convergence of contemporary characterization - computing approach because of advances in technology and the development of theory in the 20th century. All those way of thinking are high-level cognition which is the part of the cognition by natural evolution and social evolution. All of them have the basement of cognition. So there is a circulation in the Representation-Computation approach
Representation-Computation approach is challenged with the so-called second generation of cognitive science. The enact approach of embodied cognition which proposed by Varela et al do not agree the approach of researching cognition by representation and computation. They thought that cognition is embodied and related to the loop of perception-action. They oppose the idea that cognition is objectivist approach to characterize the main information of the outside world is based and the idea that knowledge is subject to its own projected onto the world the kind of subjective approach. They proposed an account middle of the two ways. They demonstrated their ideas by analyzing a case of color that the color is not the objective property. My idea is that enactive approach have a different way of thinking which is differ from Representation-Computation approach. This way of thinking is related to perception and sensation which is different from the thought by clearly language. I refute the case of color by studying the case of the shape of topology. And I argue that its attempt to demonstrate their ideas embodied cases generated by the method of expression is clearly invalid. This approach is reflected in a loop: some perceptual and cognitive abilities related to mental characteristics as well as some of the characteristics of the feeling and thinking related to the body itself expressed through language and concepts to describe the system tries to portray the human mind and body the relationship between the behavior of the process is a cycle. This differs from the characterization - the kind of thinking behind the calculation expression clearly deeply affected the daily known for sexy body affect people. This way of thinking itself is in many ways a kind of human thought which is expressed in an attempt to portray the human mind certain attributes through language whose process is a cycle.
The way of thinking that can be depicting by clearly language is relate to the structure of objective world. It is developing in human history. The model of this way is conceptual system of mathematics. Another way of thinking is related to the subjective property. And the circulation in the cognitive science have both property of semantic and natural. And it also has both the property of first person and third person. The problem with this circulation is the confusion of object language and meta language. And another problem is the multidisciplinary approach. The meaning of analyzing circulation in the cognitive science is that it can help clarifying the question of philosophy.
Key Words:cognitive science, circulation, representation-computation, embodied