目 录
0.1 选题背景及其意义
0.1.1 选题背景
0.1.2 选题意义
0.1.3 研究问题的界定与研究方法
0.2 文献综述与论文结构
0.2.1 文献综述
0.2.2 论文结构
0.2.3 本文难点与重点
第一章 波普尔——反归纳主义与新的研究进路
1.1 另辟蹊径——演绎法取代归纳法 11
1.1.1 波普尔对归纳法的批判 11
1.1.2 演绎法及其实用上的辩护 14 证伪主义方法论的逻辑根据 14 实用上的辩护 15
1.2 新方法论下的科学知识增长模式 16
1.2.1 科学知识的增长——相对的标准与绝对的标准 16
1.2.2 知识增长的相对标准——用演绎的证伪法取代归纳法 18
1.2.3 科学知识增长的绝对标准——追求真理或者逼真性 20 “真”的概念 20 逼真性 21 “真”与逼真性 22
1.3评波普尔对归纳问题的解决方案 23
1.3.1 波普尔消解归纳问题的目的及其认识论根源 23 处理归纳问题的目的 23 消解归纳问题的认识论根源 24
1.3.2 评波普尔消解归纳问题方案的困难 27
第二章 沃特金斯——波普尔证伪理论的深化
2.1 科学理论选择标准的深化 34
2.1.1 沃特金斯批判波普尔的科学理论选择标准 34
2.1.2 维护科学理论选择的合理性 35
2.1.3 科学目的的适宜性条件 36
2.1.4 最佳的科学目的 37
2.1.5最佳科学目的的阐明 38
2.2评沃特金斯对休谟归纳问题的回应 41
第三章 拉卡托斯——精致证伪主义与归纳法的回归
3.1 科学知识的增长问题 45
3.1.1 拉卡托斯批判波普尔的科学知识增长模式 46
3.1.2 拉卡托斯批判库恩的科学知识增长模式 51
3.1.3 拉卡托斯的科学知识增长模式 55
3.1.4 评价拉卡托斯的科学知识增长模式 56
3.2 科学理论的评价问题 59
3.2.1 拉卡托斯批判卡尔纳普的科学理论评价标准 59 批判卡尔纳普的确认理论 60 批判卡尔纳普的特定预测理论 63 批判合理赌商 65 关于确认函数的几个关键概念关系的辨析 66
3.2.2 拉卡托斯批判波普尔科学理论的评价学说 68 批判“可接受性1” 68 批判“可接受性2” 69
3.3评拉卡托斯的“可接受性3”——归纳法的回归 71
第四章 豪森——主观贝叶斯归纳主义与精致证伪理论的深化
4.1豪森贝叶斯概率归纳逻辑的理论内容 77
4.1.1 概率归纳逻辑的演变 77
4.1.2 贝叶斯定理的基本概念 86
4.1.3 贝叶斯确认逻辑 88
4.1.4大弃赌论证 89
4.1.5 豪森主观贝叶斯理论的哲学意蕴 90
4.2豪森对归纳问题的解决方案 93
4.2.1 豪森对波普尔归纳问题解决方案的批评 93
4.2.2豪森对归纳问题的回应 95
4.3评豪森主观贝叶斯归纳主义 97
4.3.1 豪森主观贝叶斯主义与证伪理论的演变 97豪森主观贝叶斯主义与精致证伪学说 97 豪森主观贝叶斯主义与判决性检验 99
4.3.2 豪森主观贝叶斯主义的理论困难 100 验前概率 100 证据问题 102
This paper studies on the evolvement of the theory of falsification by focusing on four philosophies’ (Popper, Watkins, Lakatos and Howson) theories who are famous and broadly influential in academic. The theory of falsification contents a lot of aspects. What’s the way of the paper is researching the evolvement of the theory of falsification around those four philosophies’ discussion about induction reasoning, which is the clue through the whole paper. Popper thinks that Inductive reasoning doesn’t possess logical rationality, so that he replaces logical rationality by the theory of falsification. Watkins doesn’t think induction reasoning possesses logical rationality also, and sticks to and advances Popper’ theory of falsification. Lakatos has the same idea as the former two people on whether the induction reasoning possesses logical rationality of not, however, he deems that we have to accept induction reasoning again because scientific practice is a process adopted both two ways of falsification and induction according to the history of science. Howson accepts induction reasoning, he advocates Bayesianism. Roughly, i classify those four ideas into two: Popper and Watkins share the same idea of opposite induction reasoning, on the other side, Lakatos and howson both accept induction reasoning. I draw a conclusion by respective exploring each philosophy’s idea that the evolvement of the theory of falsification began with Popper’s establishment to Watkins’ advancement, next to Lakatos’s sophisticated theory of falsification, finally to the advancement of sophisticated theory of falsification by using the testing model of Bayesianism, that is to provide mathematical logic for the theory of falsification by using subjective Bayesianism.
Popper、Watkins and Lakatos have winned widely approvement in academic. However, it would be questioned and criticized widely that thinking of objective Bayesianism of Howson as the theory of falsification. The inductive logic of Bayesianism is one kind of probabilistic inductive logic, which opposites to the Popper’s theory of falsification. Howson is the leader of the subjective Bayesianism in the world, and he claimed his standpoint of induction reasoning. He never claimed himself a falsificationist and never defended for the theory of falsification by using the testing model of Bayesianism. It is interesting that Lakatos’ sophisticated theory of falsification and Popper’s idea of crucial experiment can both be well interpreted in the frame of the testing model of Bayesianism. Lakatos’ research programe is sophisticated theory of falsification due to it merges confirmation and falsification together, but Lakatos discards Popper’s idea of crucial test, which isn’t in accordance with the history of science. The history of science manifests that there are a lot of crucial tests in scientific practices. The author will try to prove that Howson’s model not only interprets Lakatos’ idea of merging confirmation and falsification together, but interprets Popper’s crucial test in reason. The former is the nature of things of the latter, and is contained by the latter, and is a special situation of the latter. Given Howson’s Bayesian program incorporates Naive Falsificationism and sophisticated Falsificationism, and provides mathematical logical basis for sophisticated Falsificationism, so, it is capable that thinking of Howson’s test model as a logical frame of fasificatism, as nest advancement of falsificationsm, though Howson himself never demonstrated like so.
The paper Is divided into six parts. The first part is introduction, the next section will respectively discuss four philosophies in order, the last section is the conclusion.
The introduction introduces the background and the value of the topic, the researching way and literature review, and so on.
Chapter one, study Popper’s answer to induction, introduce in detail how to put forward simple falsifications, and convert the discuss about the rationality of induction to how to select scientific theory, which created a new direction of study. The final part analyzes the deep epistemological reasons.
Chapter two, study how Watkins succeed Popper’s idea and converted it to a standard of selection, on the other side, how he resolved Practical issue of induction though two hypothesis after he consider inductive question as practical issue. And, the chapter also discuss how Watkins continually deepen the standard of choosing theory and how he advanced Popper’s idea about empirical basis and testing theory about choosing scientific theory.
Chapter three is divided into two parts. The first is that Lakatos respond the increasing question of scientific knowledges from Popper, and how Lakatos amends Popper’s theory by using Kuhn’s theory. Induction doesn’t possess logical rationality, but confirmation is needed in real scientific activities, so that induction’s return is necessary though weakest form——metaphysical form. Chapter 3 also talks about that how to merge Carnap’s theory and Popper’s theory together to gain acceptability to choose scientific theory.
Chapter 4 introduces in detail the ideas of Bayesianism, valuate the core idea of the solution for induction and the trying to prove Bayesianism integrate simple falsificationism and sophisticated falisificationism. At the end, theoretical difficulties of study approach is investigated.
The conclusion generalizes the whole paper, try to sketches completely the historic process of testing idea. And, the conclusion put testing idea under the background of induction, to discuss success and failure of the theory, the future direction and its value.
Key Word: Popper, Falsification Theory, Watkins, Lakatos, Howson’s Bayesianism