论文作者:赵 鹰
摘 要
目 录
0.1 研究对象
0.2 研究意义
0.2.1 中国千人计划应对的两个问题
0.2.2 研究中国千人计划的必要性
0.3 相关文献
0.3.1 中国人才竞争战略及其研究
0.3.2 中国千人计划相关研究文献
0.4 研究框架
第1章 中国千人计划之缘由与历史背景
1.1 中国面临严峻的人才形势
1.1.1 国内高端人才缺失严重
1.1.2 国际高端人才竞争加剧
1.2 人才强国战略的迫切需求
1.2.1 从科教兴国到人才强国
1.2.2 从人才规划到人才竞争
1.3 国外科技人才竞争的态势
1.3.1 美国力保人才大国地位
1.3.2 英法德努力维持传统优势
1.3.3 日本增强人才竞争吸引力
第2章 中国千人计划之实施
2.1 千人计划的正式提出与实施
2.1.1 正式提出的台前幕后
2.1.2 千人计划之实施流程
2.2 千人计划实施总体成效
2.2.1 实施项目调整较多
2.2.2 总体成效不如预期
2.3 北上广与若干省区实施概况
2.3.1 北京引才力度较大
2.3.2 若干省区多有悬殊
第3章 中国千人计划之成效分析
3.1 985高校
3.1.1 师资排序占重要地位
3.1.2 入选者多为学术中坚
3.2 科研院所
3.2.1 中科院引才政策措施
3.2.2 中科院人才引进概况
3.3 产业园区
3.3.1 政策措施注重创业扶持
3.3.2 引才创业有所成效
第4章 中国千人计划之问题思考与对策建议
4.1 建国50年科技人才政策的影响
4.1.1 建国30年政治影响过大
4.1.2 后20年高端人才回流微弱
4.2 千人计划的机制性缺失
4.2.1 制定缺乏规范性
4.2.2 实施严肃性不足
4.3 举国体制下中国千人计划的若干问题
4.3.1 遴选机制形式主义、行政化
4.3.2 重评审、轻实施、无检测
4.3.3 缺乏退出机制
4.3.4 海归与本土人才矛盾凸显
4.3.5 无社会机制
4.4 对策建议
Since in the late Qing Dynasty, "Western learning spreading to the East" start the process of modernization of science and technology in China. But in the world science and technology revolution, China is always in the state of follow. Since the founding of the people's Republic, by the institutionalization of the development of science and technology, the science and technology of China forward from the following state, through the digestive absorption path to innovation, gradually moving toward the road of independent innovation. Enter in twenty-first Century, China in the economy has been second only to USA, but from the leading level of science and technology, Chinese and USA still larger gap; Between Chinese and Britain and France and Germany these traditional technology powers, there are different degrees of difference. At the same time, the revolution of science and technology trend around the life sciences expanded gradually clear (some scholars called the sixth revolution of science and Technology), how to surpass the developed countries in science and technology development, transfer trend grasp of world technology centre, which leads the world in science and technology development, become an important choice problem for China science and technology strategy.
At this critical juncture, accompanied by the proposed construction of Chinese innovation oriented country, talent rises for national strategy, talent resource is regarded as the first resource, and the personnel training and the introduction of overseas talents at home as the wings of human resource development, in order to meet all kinds of talents needed in the development of science and technology. The end of 2008, Chinese launched The Recruitment Program of Global Experts to attract overseas high-level talents. It not only to solve the high level talents China its historical formation of the shortage,but also to deal with the developed countries of the talent competition, attract a large number of stranded American China students, including high level talents have made great achievements in research; at the same time, but also through the plan the implementation of the national innovation system, accelerating the formation, a breakthrough in the major science and technology projects, contribute to the China building technology heights; and the promotion of entrepreneurial environment research environment, innovation in China has played its due role.
From the implementation of The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, has exceeded the number of tasks in the introduction in 5 years, is two times the original plan; but in the quality of talent, can only say that the introduction of high-level overseas talents to a certain amount, but with the idea that there is a certain gap, namely all the talent introduction and no to plan at the beginning of the request. In the talent introduction, provinces and municipalities, universities, research institutes, enterprises and financial institutions, industrial park between appear larger gap, with obvious "Matthew effect", reflects the frontier provinces and regions within the organization in the awkward position in talents introduction. There a lot of problems in the formulation and implementation of The Recruitment Program of Global Experts. From the science and technology and Society (STS) point of view, the whole nation system as the support of The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, lack of rationality in the formulation, specification is insufficient in the implementation of the plan, reflect the lack of social mechanism, which leads to the problem of formal, administration, re selection, light implementation mechanism, and the contradiction between large returnees and local talent etc..
Therefore, this study take the question consciousness as the basis, stand in the constructive stance, launched a research on related problems of The Recruitment Program of Global Experts, including formulation background at home and abroad, the implementation of the basic situation, and targeted research and analysis, has carried on a more thorough ponder on related issues, and finally puts forward some countermeasure suggestions.
Keywords: thousand person plan; talent competition; the whole nation system; Countermeasures