摘 要
导 论....................................................................... 1
0.1 选题的背景和依据....................................................... 1
0.2 选题的意义............................................................. 5
0.3 选题相关研究成果及评价................................................. 7
0.4 研究范围和主题........................................................ 11
0.5 研究方法.............................................................. 12
0.6研究重点、难点和主要创新点............................................. 14
第1章 晚清和民国时期中国激荡的政治社会变革与生态环境的变化(1861—1949年). 16
1.1 传统农耕文明基础上的政治社会变革...................................... 16
1.1.1 传统农耕文明社会的基本特征........................................ 16
1.1.2 中国近现代的工业发展.............................................. 19
1.1.3 中国近现代激荡的政治社会变革...................................... 21
1.2 生态环境整体特征...................................................... 26
1.2.1 各类自然灾害频发.................................................. 26
1.2.2 资源开发、利用水平低下............................................ 32
1.2.3 人为破坏严重...................................................... 34
1.3 生态环境破坏的原因分析................................................ 37
1.3.1 近代工业发展的严重破坏............................................ 37
1.3.2 外国列强的疯狂掠夺................................................ 38
1.3.3 战争灾难的频繁发生................................................ 44
1.4 政治乱局下的自发环保之路.............................................. 50
1.4.1 加强林业资源保护.................................................. 50
1.4.2 改进垦荒种植技术.................................................. 51
1.4.3 设立环境保护管理机构.............................................. 52
1.4.4 制定环境保护法律规范.............................................. 53
1.4.5 加强环境保护宣传.................................................. 53
1.5 激荡的政治社会变革下的生态环境之影响.................................. 54
第2章 新中国成立后30年间大规模的政治社会运动与生态环境的破坏(1949—1978年) 57
2.1 深刻的变革与薄弱的基础................................................ 57
2.1.1 社会制度的深刻变革................................................ 57
2.1.2 薄弱的社会发展基础................................................ 62
2.1.3 “意识形态狂热”的时代............................................ 72
2.2 新中国成立后30年间生态环境的严重破坏................................. 91
2.2.1 草原植被的破坏.................................................... 91
2.2.2 森林生态的破坏.................................................... 92
2.2.3 湿地面积的锐减.................................................... 93
2.2.4 水污染现象严重.................................................... 94
2.2.5 空气质量日益恶化.................................................. 95
2.3 生态环境保护事业的艰难起步............................................ 96
2.3.1 晚认识、快起步的环保思想.......................................... 96
2.3.2 初期的环保政策与措施............................................. 100
2.3.3 认识不统一、效果不明显........................................... 104
2.4 “政治理想”变革下的生态环境灾难..................................... 105
(1978—现今)............................................................. 107
3.1 中国政治社会前所未有的新变革......................................... 108
3.1.1 家庭联产承包责任制的伟大变革..................................... 108
3.1.2 对外开放格局的初步形成........................................... 110
3.1.3 多种所有制共同发展制度的日渐完善................................. 113
3.1.4 社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立................................... 115
3.1.5 思想文化领域的巨大变化........................................... 116
3.2 中国的“四化”建设对生态环境的影响................................... 117
3.2.1 迅猛发展的工业化................................................. 117
3.2.2 日益加快的城市化................................................. 126
3.2.3 日趋繁荣的市场化................................................. 135
3.2.4 更加开放的全球化................................................. 139
3.3 生态环境“破”、“建”并存的时代..................................... 144
3.3.1 生态环境破坏的非理性因素......................................... 145
3.3.2 生态环境建设的理性因素........................................... 148
3.4 “四化”建设中的坎坷环保之路......................................... 157
第4章 中国近现代政治社会变革与生态环境演化的理论思考...................... 161
4.1 政治文明与生态文明的同步构建......................................... 161
4.2 中国式公地悲剧之殇................................................... 165
4.2.1 中国式公地悲剧的含义............................................. 165
4.2.2 中国式公地悲剧的成因............................................. 166
4.2.3 破解中国式公地悲剧之道........................................... 169
4.3 中国环境治理中的囚徒困境............................................. 170
4.3.1 中国式的囚徒困境的产生........................................... 170
4.3.2 中国式囚徒困境的根源............................................. 171
4.3.3 囚徒困境下的环境危机............................................. 174
4.3.4 超越中国式囚徒困境之术........................................... 176
4.4 中国政府间环境问题上的博弈........................................... 177
4.4.1 中国政府在环境保护中的角色....................................... 177
4.4.2 政府介入环境保护的理论依据....................................... 178
4.4.3 中国政府间环境问题上的博弈....................................... 180
4.4.4 规避中国政府间环境问题博弈之思................................... 183
参考文献................................................................... 188
致 谢...................................................................... 200
Since the late Qing Dynasty, profound historical changes have taken place in politics and society in modern times in China, and the evolution of the ecological environment different from traditional society has also begun to occur. From the perspective of political and social changes, the paper scans the evolution of the ecological environment in modern times in China, with profound historical coordinates of the political and social revolution, based on the characteristics of Chinese modern political and social development, the research content is divided into three periods to respectively discuss the influences of political and social evolution on the environment in different periods. The three periods are the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, in 30 years since the founding of New China, the period since reform and opening. From the perspective of methodology, this paper will study Politics, sociology, economics, ecology, environment science, philosophy of science and technology, and other disciplines. The paper tries to reveal the dynamic interaction law between the ecological environment and the political and social changes, by analyzing the relevant social background, political and social changes, the conditions of ecological environment, and the rational and irrational factors affecting she political and social changes.
This paper is divided into four chapters:
The first chapter mainly discusses the stirring political and social changes in the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of Chian changes the ecological environment. From the historical background of the traditional farming civilized society, the paper discusses the basic characteristics of the traditional farming civilization,modern industrial development in China, and stirring political and social changes in modern times in China. The author believes that the traditional farming civilized society in China, charactered by "intensive cultivation" and "diverse intersection", combined with the traditional not only creates the brilliant material achievements, but also shows strong vitality of ecological environmental protection. But in the context of "malaise" era, industrialization has been developing rapidly during, China's modern political and social changes are stirring, and during the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China the development of industrialization was rapid, foreign powers' invasion began and war disasters occurred frequently. In this period, China showed the characteristics of "all kinds of frequent natural disasters", "resource exploitation in low level" and "serious man-made destruction".
Specifically, during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China and in the context of the historical intersection and collision between the Eastern and Western civilizations, China's political tumulted and lacked political authority, the social development status was in a disorderly spontaneous combined with the natural economy. In the background of the pursuit of "strength and wealth" in Westernization Movement and the reform movement of the late Qing government's" top-down "Reformation Movement, modern Western scientific and technological means and industrialized production methods were actively brought in, which made modern Chinese industry developed rapidly, making natural ecological environment changed gradually and the damage in some areas were more serious. In a certain sense, the foreign powers' aggression and plunder in China and the frequent tragedies of war can be seen as the main reason for the destruction of the ecological environment. However, during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the people were poor and the country was broken, so people did not just talk about the ecological and environmental protection, and there was no awareness of the ecological and environmental protection, and people did even not really take the long-term interests of the protection of the ecological environment into account. Therefore, in essence, if there were environmental behaviors, that could only be said for maintaining the survival instinct in this period. For example, during the war, when facing resources and increasing environmental destruction, the NUC District Government and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government had taken various measures in order to coordinate the relationship between economic construction, resource utilization and environmental protection, and achieved good social effects.
The second chapter mainly explores the large-scale political and social movements in the 30 years after the founding of New China and the destruction of the ecological environment. During this period, the development of Chinese society underwent profound institutional changes, and the social development foundation was weak, political and social changes had a strong ideal. Construction of about seven years after the founding of New China, the socialist system in China was quickly established, and China gradually established socialist public ownership and a highly centralized planned economic system. However, the historical experience of the victory of the revolution and the ideals of communism brought too much self-confidence, which leads to the blind, large-scale and warfare political social changes. In the conditions of the planned economic system, political authority was hugely magnified, and the development and construction of the warfare seriously damaged the ecological environment. In the the ideological fanaticism era, from 1958, the mighty "Great Leap Forward" ,the People's Commune Movement and the "Great Cultural Revolution" started in succession. As Deng Xiaoping said, "completely contrary to the objective reality, hot-headed, people want ultra-high-speed development, which brought great disaster to the ecological environment in China. "It took us three years to correct the error before the sound up." However, the guiding ideology of the "left" did not eradicate, the 'Great Cultural Revolution' in ten years made the Chinese people eat suffered a lot", which delayed China foe ten years. Overall, in 30 years after the founding of New China, the overall state of the ecological environment continued deterioration, which mainly damaged ecology and in the local area environmental pollution was serious.
Facing prominent ecological disasters, the ecological and environmental protection started difficultly, but there was good ideological foundation, which is mainly reflected in the emphasis of the central collective leadership on environmental protection issues, and which was actively promoted by the World Environment and Development Conference. The reason why it had a tough start is mainly that in the early days of New China, our country was eager to build national economic from the ruins left by years of war, combined with the lack of understanding of environmental issues. Especially under the influence of "leftist" and rigid thinking, ecological and environmental problems were often seen as a unique product of capitalism and socialism did not exist the problem of environmental pollution, thus taking a standing on the sidelines, the negative attitude of narcissism, leading to the loss of good environmental governance opportunity to cast a diehard environmental pollution passive situation. Thinking of environmental protection of late awareness and fast start as well as the institutional safeguards of the initial environmental policies and measures effectively delayed the continued deterioration of the ecological environment overall.
During this period, Chinese society in the changes of the political ideals realized the "double deprivation", namely deprivations of the land of the landlords and capitalists capital, and had "Great Leap Forward", the people's commune movement "and the" Cultural Revolution" due to ideological fanaticism which ruthlessly destructed the ecological environment and wantonly deprived the natural resources, which made the fragile ecological environment once again face a grave disaster.
The third chapter focuses on the huge political and social changes leading to the crisis of the ecological environment since the reform and opening up. In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the party achieved a great historical turning in contemporary China, and the CPC Central Committee made a strategic decision "by shifting our focus to socialist modernization" and brought the policy of reform and opening up into force, so Chinese society has undergone unprecedented, extensive and profound political and social changes. Implementation of the household contract responsibility system, the initial formation of the full range, multi-level and wide-ranging opening up momentum, the initial formation of the economic development pattern of the diverse forms of ownership, the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, and the great changes of the ideological and cultural clearly reflect the characteristics of the times in this period. Since the reform and opening up, the construction of the "four modernizations", including the rapid development of industrialization, an increasingly accelerated urbanization, increasingly prosperous marketization and more widely open globalization, has a great effect on the ecological and environmental problems yet resuming. However, it is gratifying that with the upgrading of the rational degree of the ruling party ideology and scientific and technological progress, China's ecological environment construction has gone through a twists turns of coexistence of "breaking" and "building ". The enhancement of leadership collective wisdom and the establishment of the concept of ecological civilization, the favorable international environment exchanges and the recognition of the concept of sustainable development, the setting of the national environmental agency, the introduction of environmental protection policies and the formulation of related laws and other factors together, are the key to ecological environment construction going on a health, good development road.
Since Modern Times, political and social changes have been agitated, and the evolutions of the ecological environment have been dramatic. During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, regime changed a lot, and the government lacked the necessary political authority, in the case of natural economic system still dominant, the damages to the ecology caused by the behaviors of human were spontaneous. However, the development of modern industry, to a certain extent, foreign powers' plunder and disasters of war occurring frequently led to the ecological environment changes, some areas showing catastrophic damages, which was difficult to restore. In 30 years after the founding of New China, in the dominance of political and social ideals of ideological fanaticism and overconfidence, large-scale political and social changes in the planned economic system made the ecological environment suffered from serious destruction in large areas. The social and political development is relatively stable since the reform and opening up, the ownership structure is not undergoing a fundamental changes. However, the comprehensive pursue economic development mode taking economic construction as the center and taking the total GDP for standard make an unprecedented destruction of the ecological environment. The "market failure" and "government failure" in the protection of the ecological environment seriously highlight. The government are facing the dual pressures between promoting economic and social development and improving the ecological environment construction. To sum up, political issues, economic issues and environmental issues are in fact closely linked together, which is a problem overall. In order to protect the ecological environment, we must change the mode of economic development, and political civilization also needs to be improved. In the future, China should rely on the construction of political civilization to improve the ecological environment, and the growing demand of the synchronization building in the field of political civilization and ecological civilization is being highlighted increasingly.
In short, the history of modern Chinese political and social changes and ecological environment evolution show that China's "tragedy of the commons" and "prisoner's dilemma" in China's environmental governance is the result of the political civilization and ecological civilization construction deviating. Therefore, in the aspect of protecting and improving the ecological environment, we should first raise the degree of recognition for "ecological civilization" of the ruling party's "ideology", implement the institution of the leadership cadres environmental protection one card ruling, establish a more widely open platform for environmental protection supervision, strengthen environmental protection legislative and enforcement capabilities, focusing on the coordination of the executive power and judicial power in environmental protection, maximize the ability of the government managing ecological environment and the whole society concerning the environmental protection work and supervision, and achieve synchronous development and positive interaction of political civilization and ecological civilization.
Keywords:political and social changes; ecological environment evolution; political civilization; ecological civilization