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  作者:人大科哲    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2010-7-15    


    师:刘大椿 教授


















01 研究背景

02 国内外研究现状

021 国外研究现状

022 国内研究现状

03 论文思路与构架

1  科学主义科学观

11 科学主义科学观的产生

111 科学主义科学观产生的时代背景  

112 实证主义——科学主义科学观形成的标志

12 科学主义科学观的发展与成熟

121  马赫主义——科学主义科学观的发展

122  逻辑实证主义——科学主义科学观的成熟

13 小结

2  现象学科学观

21 胡塞尔论欧洲科学危机

211 欧洲文化危机与古希腊理性主义精神

212 数学的自然科学与理性主义的异化

213 科学危机的直接根源——实证主义科学观

22 拯救之方:回归生活世界

221 生活世界的基本内涵

222 日常生活世界与精神生活世界

223 回归生活世界之路

23 小结

3  存在主义科学技术观

31 海德格尔的科学技术之思

311 现代科学的形而上学之思

312 现代科学的本质源于技术

313 科学技术的危机与拯救

32 雅斯贝尔斯的科学技术观

321 雅斯贝尔斯的科学观

322 雅斯贝尔斯的技术观

323 技术的影响与技术限度的超越

33 小结

4章 社会批判主义科学技术观

41 法兰克福学派科学技术批判

411 科学技术与单向度的人

412 科学技术与政治统治

413 科学技术与意识形态

42 工具理性的批判与救赎

421 工具理性的批判

422 批判式的救赎:走出技术化统治的不同进路

43 小结

5  后现代解构主义科学观

51 福柯的科学知识—权力观

511 现代认识论的解构:知识考古学视野下的科学

512 科学的解构:知识与权力的共生  

52 利奥塔的后现代科学观

521 知识的合法性:叙事知识与科学知识

522 传统叙事知识的合法化模式及解构

523 科学知识合法性标准的重建:误构

53 小结

6  人文主义视野下科学技术观的重建

61 科学技术观的演化轨迹

611  科学技术观的转变轨迹

612 回归生活世界:科学技术观的融合

62 重建科学技术观的人文情怀

621 回到马克思“现实的生活世界”

622  科学技术观的建立是一项以人为本的社会活动

63 结束语






Key words: scientism; humanism view of science and technology;life-world

In the recent 100 years, science and technology have developed rapidly, with a trend of growing specialization and the cross-cutting complexity. Accordingly, the concepts of science and technology, as the reflection of the philosophy of science and technology, also have become diversified. Different understandings of science and technology highlight the complexity and the importance of the issue of the science and technology. Although many thinkers hold various understandings of the science and technology, it generally can be divided into scientism conception of science and technology and humanism one.

Following track of the conception of science and technology development, the author focused on the study of the evolution progress of several representative Humanism conception of the science and technology in the 20th century, choosing the scientism conception of science and technology and humanism one as the research objects on the basis of briefly summarizing the scientism view of science.   Around this theme, this thesis not only sorts out the major opinions of various humanism conception of science and technology, but also analyses and comments on the contributions and limitations of different concepts of science and technology, and compares the universality and characteristics of various concepts of science and technology.  On this base, the thesis extracts the overall characteristics of the evolution of conception of science and technology, and explores the issue of reconstructing the concept of science and technology in the vision of humanism.

Chapter 1, “Scientism View of Science", mainly discusses the main viewpoints of the key forms of scientism view of science: positivism, Machism, logical empiricism, on the basis of tracing back to time background that scientism view of science was created.  This part also analyses and comments on the contributions and limitations of scientism view of science. Scientism View of Science emphasizes to draw a clear line of demarcation between science and humane studies ,and neglecting the connexion between the two and humanistic significance and humanistic value of science itself, thus leading to separation between science and humanistic spirit.

Chapter 2, "phenomenology view of science", mainly discusses Husserl's "theory of the European scientific crisis" and "life-world theory".  Husserl’s discussion about European scientific crisis originated from his reflection on the European cultural crisis or the European humanity crisis, he criticized the scientific crisis which mainly represented European crisis through reflecting the rationalism spirit of ancient Greece and its alienation, thereby found the direct cause of the crisis -- the scientism view of science.  In Husserl's view, the natural sciences had forgotten the meaning basis of their own - the living world, which led to the crux of European science crisis.  Therefore in order to find the logical intelligibility of the objective science in the living world and save European crisis, we must restore the life-world with phenomenology methods, trace the everyday-life-world’s developmentalism origin, and follow the routine of returning life-world.

Chapter 3, "existentialism view of science and technology", mainly discusses Martin Heidegger's concept of science and technology and Karl Jaspers’.  Existentialists object to the opinion that scientism view of science regards science as the unique human prospect of the world, advocates to put human into the center of reflecting science and technology, focuses on the impact of science and technology to human existence state.  It is the main theoretical purport of existentialism concept of science and technology to seek the approach to rescue the crisis of modern science and technology.  Among them, Heidegger's revealed the nature of modern science and technology with the "vertical" and historical analysis on the science and technology, thus transferred the modern science and technology into the state of "thinking" and "Poetry".  Jaspers undertook a historical comparative study on ancient and modern science and technology with the theory of “the axial period”, which explains the problems such as the formation, the nature, the impact, the extent and excess of modern science and technology.

Chapter 4, "social criticism view of science and technology", mainly discusses Frankfurt School’ critical theory of science and technology.  One prominent feature of social criticism concept of science and technology is to emphasize on examining and criticizing science and technology from the view point of sociology, and to study the phenomenon of technological alienation in the throughout social life system.  The members of Frankfurt School tried to seek out the salvation means to the technical rule through social criticism on science and technology and the comprehensive review of tool rational.  Among them, Herbert Marcuse advocated to get out of technical rule difficulties by self-revolution of science and technology, while Habermas deemed that the establishment of democratic dialogue Mechanism about technology was the only way out.

Chapter 5, "post-modern structuralism view of science", mainly discusses Michel Foucault’s view of scientific knowledge-power and Lyotard’s postmodernism view of science.  The main thought approach of post-modern structuralism view of science is to regard science as a discourse practice, language-games and to combine the science and power.  Among them, Foucault adapted the research methods of archaeology of knowledge and genealogy, advocated the view of power completely different from the traditional scientific knowledge theory with the re-interpretation of knowledge history, history of science and history of thoughts, and thus reflected deeply symbiotic relationship between power and science.   Lyotard focused on the study about the state of knowledge in the contemporary western society with the use of the pragmatics’ ideas and methods to explain the social alienation and cultural variation symptoms in the contemporary capitalist society, and demonstrated the "meta-narrative" failure as the cognitive basis and maintaining network of western civilization and the resulting issue of the legality of scientific knowledge.  The basic theory of Lyotard’s postmodernism view of science is the view of post-structuralism that emphasizes the “incommensurability” of knowledge and focuses on the various language differences.

Chapter 6, "reconstruction of the view of science and technology in the vision of humanism”, is the summary of this paper, which mainly discusses the two questions the evolution trajectory of the above-mentioned concept of science and technology and humanistic feelings in the reconstruction of the concept of science and technology.  This thesis deems that the evolution of the modern concept of science and technology reflects a trend to return the life-world, which is not the pure "intellectual" world portrayed by the scientism view of science, nor is the "significant" world characterized by the humanism conception of science and technology.  This life-world is the “real life-world” with the unity of significance and intellectual with humanistic feelings, and human beings can establish appropriate conception of science and technology only in a pluralism and reasonable norm practice.




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