导师姓名: 刘大椿 教授
提交日期: 2007年 6 月
摘 要
目 录
前 言
第1章 问题的提出
1.1 医药高科技产业及其特点
1.1.1 医药高科技产业
1.1.2 我国医药高科技产业的特点
1.2 当前医药高科技产业的主要问题
1.2.1 创新能力难以提升
1.2.2 医疗公正问题凸现
1.2.3 道德水平急剧下降
1.2.4 制度体系备受诟病
1.3 医药高科技产业伦理研究的迫切性
1.3.1 论域及其研究的迫切性
1.3.2 核心问题
第2章 医药高科技产业的价值反思
2.1 医药价值的迷失
2.1.1 道德失范
2.1.2 道德失范与物本主义
2.1.3 道德失范与“人性”
2.2 追溯:中国传统社会的医药价值
2.2.1 以“宗法”“礼法”为中心的伦理传统
2.2.2 传统医药建制的价值特点
2.2.3 以“仁术”为中心的伦理价值
2.3 反观:中国计划经济时期的医药价值
2.3.1 社会主义健康意识形态的理想
2.3.2 以公平价值为优先的医药伦理价值
2.4 借鉴:国外医药价值举要
2.4.1 公平的典范
2.4.2 新普遍主义
2.4.3 药品管制与公正
第3章 医药高科技产业的价值原则
3.1 公正:医药高科技产业的最高价值
3.1.1 基本的公正理念
3.1.2 制度的公正价值
3.2 医药高科技产业的多元价值原则
3.2.1 效率价值原则
3.2.2 公平价值原则
3.2.3 技术价值原则
3.2.4 安全价值原则
3.2.5 人道价值原则
3.3 价值原则的优先性次序
3.3.1 安全价值原则的优先性
3.3.2 效率与公平之间
3.3.3 技术与人道之间
3.3.4 公正:多元价值的集合体
第4章 医药高科技产业的价值重构
4.1 认识医药高科技产业的多元价值
4.1.1 科学和技术价值
4.1.2 经济价值
4.1.3 社会价值
4.1.4 聚焦于人
4.2 建构医药高科技产业的基本精神
4.2.1 建构科学精神
4.2.2 建构伦理精神
4.2.3 建构公正价值
第5章 对我国医药高科技产业伦理建设的若干建议
5.1 加强医药高科技产业的行政伦理建设
5.1.1 行政伦理问题
5.1.2 行政伦理建设
5.2 协调医药高科技产业利益与公众利益之间的关系
5.2.1 保障公众利益的优先性
5.2.2 产业的利益与伦理担当
5.3 促进医药高科技产业伦理的制度化
5.3.1 公正原则的制度化
5.3.2 伦理规范的制度化
5.3.3 政府的责任
致 谢
Research on Ethical Problems in China’s Medical High-tech Industry
The achievement of medical high-tech is a miracle in human civilization. Medicine and pharmacology did not unify closely and truly start to display the effect of treating diseases until the end of 19th century. In the earlier time, medical science and technology developed quite slowly with unsuccessful effect. But henceforth, it has rapidly, unceasingly and astonishingly disclosed new secrets of life, killed the bacterium, and treated more and more diseases. Especially after “the treatment revolution” in 1940s, the discovery of the DNA Double Spiral Structure by J.Watson and F.Crick in 1953 opened the secret of heredity, then the rapid development of genetics and molecular biology smoothed the way for gene engineering and rapidly founded a new industrial structure of biological technology. Therefore, medical high-tech industry has been established to safeguard people ‘s health and social economic growth on the basis of the progress and success of new disciplines and technology, drug manufacture industry, the global drugs market’s commercialization, hospital industry as well as medical insurance industry.
In recent decades, medical high-tech industry has had a rapid development in China. In the first half of the 20th century, China began to set up national capital pharmaceutical industry and a new system of medicine, which, generally speaking, was lopsided for that period of social unrest. After the founding of New China, a real significant progress has been made in the pharmaceutical industry. Under the leadership of the first session’s central government and through more than 20 years’ efforts, a relatively entire and effective medical system has been established, which included education, research, production, health care and security. It has made tremendous contributions to raise Chinese people’s health standard. Later, the policy of reform and opening up, the goal of “taking economic construction as our central task” and the strategy of “rejuvenating the country through science and education” have promoted the reform of the country's economic structure and the formation of a new pattern of modern medical high-tech industry. In the recent 20 years, the proportion of high-tech in the entire medical industry has been increasing, which is shown in medical institutions’ improvements with conditions, scale, technical standard and supply of services. The achievements in medical high-tech industries can be widely witnessed in the entire production chain from research, manufacturing, distribution to services and the construction of infrastructure, scale and technology. As an economic industry, it is a new economic growth point, meanwhile it significantly and effectively plays the role of protecting people's lives and health. It is by virtue of high-tech medical advances, the health and longevity of life has been more and more assured.
However, problems in China's medical high-tech industry today are so serious and alarming that this area has been severely questioned. A noble medical high-tech industry seems to fall into an evil and disorderly state where researchers deceive, officials corrupt and seek profits in terms of their power, doctors degrade for the sake of profits, medical services lose fair and hard to correct, and so on. These problems not only badly result in unhealthy social ethos, but also terrifically weaken medical technology’s original social function, cause serious physical or mental harm to people and hinder social unity and development. Thus we need to study and resolve the problems in medical high-tech industry which is important and closely related with people’s lives and health.
This thesis believed that problems in medical high-tech industry lie in its ethical and value concept. Idea is the forerunner of behavior. In this age of high-speed economic growth, people's values have already changed a lot. And values have got lost and fallen into crisis in medical high-tech industry in its way from planned economy to market economy that caused people's serious abnormal behaviors. Therefore, this thesis attempted to research on ethical problems in our country’s medical high-tech industry at present age.
Chapter 1: Raising problems. Presently, various problems exist in medical high-tech industry such as technical innovation, fairness in medical treatment, morality, system and so on, all of which are realistically rooted in ethics and value. Traditionally, ethical research on medical high-tech industry generally is limited to medical moral standard and sometimes involves some other occupational ethics like economic ethics. However, some conventional moral regulations have already lost their function in practice. In fact, the contemporary contact way of medical practice, and individual and social faith, beliefs and ethics have already changed so hugely that people are inclined to fall into value confusion and faith mistake and cause the choice dilemma in medical practice. Therefore, consideration of ethics and value need to be carried to ethically reflect on medical high-tech industry, which is of great theoretical and practical significance. This chapter proposed problems in medical high-tech industry, analyzed their ethical essence, and expounded the urgency of related research.
Chapter 2: Value reconsideration. Medicine is a domain both traditional and modern. Its heavy history contributes to its deep traditional value while its contemporary development and modern social environment fills it with the contemporary thinking way and value. At the same time, medical high-tech industry also is an internationalized industry, and international value about medical ethics and thoughts will be worth knowing and using. In short, each aspect of tradition and culture has profound influence on our present value choice. Therefore, this chapter attempted to analyze the features and roles of modern industry’s thinking way, traditional medicine’s culture and ethics, modern medical ethics as well as overseas typical medical ethics and so on, so as to gain some useful and reasonable ethics and value.
Chapter 3: Value principles. Medical high-tech industry should identify its unique ethical values and principles to determine its direction of development and implementation. However, the sectors in this industry includes research, manufacturing, distribution and services, which are distinct in their essence, contact way, activity rule and law, and value pursuit and principles. Therefore, choice of ethical values must concern different levels and aspects to be wholesome and sustainable, for they are all reasonable and impartial. Meanwhile, for the sake of the entire development of a great social undertaking, medical high-tech industry must pay more attention to assure priority order of value principles so as to achieve the biggest justice that is an aggregation of pluralistic values. This chapter analyzed various ethical and value principles in medical high-tech industry and expounded the priority order and core values to choose principles.
Chapter 4: Value reconstruction. To advance its sound development, medical high-tech industry must step out of value misunderstanding, reconstruct ethics and values as well as their ideals, and return to and enhance the fundamental significance of medical technology. Value reconstruction must firstly correctly understand rich value implications in medical high tech, which is the basis to make sure ethical values of medical high-tech industry, and secondly be good at weighing various values. Above all, people-oriented is the ultimate destination of medical high-tech industry. Therefore, this chapter analyzed the value implications and core values of medical high tech, explained the profound meaning of the people-oriented principle, and explored the building of scientific spirit, ethical spirit and just ethical values in medical high-tech industry.
Chapter 5: Suggestions for ethical construction in medical high-tech industry. Given the variety of problems in medical high-tech industry, ethical construction is an unavoidable problem. Based on the analysis of values and value principles, this chapter, in the face of reality, raised some suggestions for ethical construction. The foremost issue is this industry’s administrative ethics construction which is the root of all ethical problems in medical high-tech industry. Secondly, to strike a reasonable balance between public interests and industry interests out of ethical principles, for this industry has been getting entangled in interest disputes. In addition, to raise some specific ways for ethical institutionalization, which is the fundamental safeguard for ethical values and principles in medical high-tech industry.
Key words: medicine; high-tech industry; value; ethical construction