邬晓燕 博士
摘 要
目 录
导 言
0.1 概念解析
0.2 研究背景
0.3 论文构架
第1章 科学乌托邦主义:形象与理念
1.1 科学乌托邦主义萌芽
1.1.1 前工业时代的理想社会形象
1.1.2 乌托邦新型理想社会
1.1.3 科学乌托邦主义理念萌发
1.2 科学乌托邦主义崛起
1.2.1 工业革命时代的科学乌托邦形象
1.2.2 理性批判与社会转型
1.2.3 科学乌托邦主义社会构想
1.3 科学乌托邦主义的理念品质
1.3.1 现实问题的批判求解
1.3.2 社会理想的观念呈现
1.3.3 时代精神的反映前瞻
第2章 科学乌托邦主义之多向建构
2.1 乌托邦建构从科学到技术的重心迁移
2.1.1 科学乌托邦
2.1.2 技术乌托邦
2.2 乌托邦愿景从生产到消费的阶段转移
2.2.1 生产乌托邦
2.2.2 消费乌托邦
2.3 乌托邦设计从组织到文化的理想升华
2.3.1 技术统治运动
2.3.2 唯科学主义热潮
2.4 科学乌托邦主义多向演进的内在规律
第3章 科学乌托邦主义之多维解构
3.1 乌托邦研究的多角度审视
3.1.1 浪漫主义反动
3.1.2 科学敌托邦主义对抗
3.1.3 反乌托邦颠覆
3.1.4 其他乌托邦替代方案
3.2 科技社会批判的多向度解构
3.2.1 现代科技的社会批判
3.2.2 现代科技的文明与文化反思
3.3 科学乌托邦主义从建构到解构的角色转换
第4章 科学乌托邦主义之辨析与超越
4.1 科学乌托邦主义的历史意蕴
4.1.1 科学、技术、人与乌托邦
4.1.2 科学乌托邦主义概念
4.1.3 科学乌托邦主义的合理内涵
4.2 科学乌托邦主义的现代缺失
4.2.1 社会改善论的破产
4.2.2 乌托邦的技术可能性与伦理有限性之悖论
4.2.3 科技决定论的贫困
4.3 从科学乌托邦到科学发展的和谐社会
4.3.1 现代科技与人类生存境遇
4.3.2 超越科学乌托邦主义与科学敌托邦主义的二元对立
4.3.3 科学发展与社会和谐
结 语 因时变义,观念创新
5.1 科学乌托邦主义建构与解构之路
5.2 科学乌托邦主义理论研究之意义
5.3 对于中国发展的现实启示
参 考 文 献
后 记
Utopia is an ideal plan and rational design based on criticizing social reality. Since modern times, utopia has been closely connected with science. Scientific utopianism can be understood from three levels. In a broad sense, scientific utopianism refers to the plan fabrication of ideal society in favor of the development and application of science and technology, which had appeared early in the epics of the ancient Greece and Rome and in the utopian literatures in the 15th-16th centuries and up to now. In a narrow sense, scientific utopianism indicates the ideology reaching a climax from the late 19th century to the 21st century, which viewed the development of science-technology as social progress, equated the progress of science-technology to utopia itself, and simplified social issues into technological issues. This dissertation understands scientific utopianism in a middle sense. It refers to the utopian design of future ideal society on the basis of modern science-technology, emphasizes the decisive function of science-technology upon social development, advocates managing social performance and controlling human future with scientific and technological rationality, and believes science and technology would bring about the utopia of wealthy, freedom, justice and harmony. As an important social ideological trend, scientific utopianism took the growth and development of science in modern times as its presupposition, and changed its forms and connotations with the development of science-technology and social reality. In this sense, scientific utopianism sprouted in the 16th~17th centuries, generated in the 18th~19th centuries, evolved in the 19th~20th centuries, and was doubted during the whole 20th century.
Scientific utopianism is an ideological product generally cultivated by special economic, political, cultural and historical conditions in the modern west. It is not only an ideal of human society bred together by the advancement of science-technology, the ideological and cultural enlightenment, the development of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution, but also a triable solution to the issue of human survival, development and reform. As a multi-disciplinary study involving Philosophy of Science and Technology, Sociology of Science, Culture Studies of Science, Intellectual History of Science, Utopia Studies and Science-Fiction Literature, etc., the dissertation applies the method of unifying history and logic, theory and reality to embark a philosophical study on scientific utopianism, examines four historical stages of scientific utopianism, that is, its emergence, development, frustration and transcendence. And paralleling this historical course, the dissertation analyzes the connotation evolution of scientific utopianism from social ideal, transformation power, critique weapon to deconstruction objective. Detailedly speaking, it discloses the growth and development of scientific utopianism’s images and ideas, inspects the multi-dimensional construction and deconstruction of scientific utopianism, finds out its historical rationality, and carefully examines its flaws and cruxes. Thus, the illusion of scientific utopianism could be eradicated, the difficulty of human survival and development soberly considered, and a kind of more reasonable comprehensive solution finally explored.
The main ideas of “Introduction” and four chapters of this dissertation are indicated as follows:
“Introduction” first briefly defines three main couples of concepts, secondly introduces the topic background and present research situation, and then summarizes the logical skeleton and the clue of the dissertation.
Chapter Ⅰ“Scientific Utopianism: Images and Ideas”, in relation to the image evolution of scientific utopias and particular social development in modern times, mainly inspects the ideological breeding, growing and rising process of scientific utopianism, and demonstrates its positive qualities. First, it describes the variance of different ideal societies from Cockaigne, Arcadia, the Perfect Moral Commonwealth, the Millennium to Utopia, and analyzes utopia’s originality and stipulation in modern times. Afterwards, linking to the modern west’s culture resources, social resources and significant historical events, it indicates how the images of scientific utopias had developed from simple production and technological application to advanced technological development to complicated industrial society design, and demonstrates how the connotation of scientific utopianism had evolved from a simple sense to a complex one, from material technology to social organization to mental spirit, from preliminary social needs to integral social progress step by step. Therefore, it concludes that scientific utopianism is the product of specific social, historical and cultural conditions and the crystallization of the spirit of the times, thus dialectically finds out the positive qualities of scientific utopianism: the critical resolution to realistic problems, the ideological presentation of social ideal, and the reflection and forecast of the spirit of the times.
ChapterⅡ“Multi-dimensional Construction of Scientific Utopianism” differentiates the evolution routes of scientific utopianism from different perspectives: the modern development of science-technology had caused the emphasis of utopianism to move from utopias of science to utopias of technology; the social transformation from production-centered to consumption-centered had caused the shift from a production utopia to a consumption utopia; and the expansion of technological rationality from social administration to cultural management had initiates the ideal sublimation of scientific utopianism. Furthermore, this chapter summarizes some inherent laws and instruction in the multi-dimensional construction of scientific utopianism. Firstly, the evolution of science-technology, the shift of social role of science and technology, and the combination of science -technology with different social aspects, these three factors had facilitated the multi-dimensional construction of scientific utopianism. Secondly, on the one hand, scientific utopianism has the positive function to advance social transformation and development; on the other hand, scientific utopianism is facing the danger of illusion and must provide rational proof for its own existence. Thirdly, such a multi-dimensional construction of scientific utopianism indicates that the rise and development of every social and cultural ideological trend is in fact a continually mutual function process of social reality—ideological construction—evolution of social reality—ideological reconstruction……
Chapter Ⅲ “Multi-dimensional Deconstruction of Scientific Utopianism”, in order to break the illusion of scientific utopianism, first seriously examines the critique upon scientific utopias and scientific utopianism from different realms in utopian studies, such as romanticism, scientific dystopianism, anti-utopia, and other utopian alternative schemes, then analyzes the social critique and the civilizational and cultural reflection on modern science-technology as well as scientific society. As a social ideal and a social ideological trend, scientific utopianism has last for several centuries and has displayed huge transformation power upon human society. However, on the one hand, the best promises of scientific utopianism have not completely come true as scheduled in the human history, instead it has exposed many flaws and limitations; on the other hand, the historical advancement and the retrogradation of scientific utopianism has deprived off its original historical rationality and positive connotations, such as advanced critique weapon, foresighted social ideal, radical transformation power and so on. Scientific utopianism has gradually grown conservative and become the target of being criticized. In the end, this chapter makes clear the essence of scientific utopianism’s role shift, that is, during the near several centuries, scientific utopianism has changed its status in human intellectual history from a kind of critical, foresighted and transcendental social ideal into a kind of conservative and utilitarian ideology, and has transformed its function in the history of human society from a kind of radical revolutionary social power into a kind of conservative and reformative technological countermeasure.
Chapter Ⅳ “Analysis and Transcendence of Scientific Utopianism” firstly describes the inner link between science, technology, human and utopia, defines the concept and connotation of scientific utopianism, and discusses its value rationality as a product of particular times. Then, it calmly analyzes the flaws and difficulties of scientific utopianism in meliorism, the paradox between technological possibilities and ethical limitations, and technological determinism. Finally, as scientific utopianism gradually lost its positive, radical and revolutionary qualities in the hotbed of improvement and became more and more inapplicable to the times and the contemporary society, this chapter holds that we must transcend the simple opposition between scientific utopianism and scientific dystopianism, seek for a holistic view of human development so as to unify the development of science-technology and social harmony. Therefore, we can both fully use science and technology to create happy life and keep independent from science and technology to a large extent.
The process of construction and deconstruction of scientific utopianism has told us such a truth: any social ideal or ideological trend is never a pure subjective hypothesis but a complicated synthesis out of particular economic, political, cultural and historical conditions; moreover, with historical specialties, regional features and national characteristics, there is an unceasing mutual function process between ideological construction and social development. However, only ideas that are critical, prescient, creative and reflective on the spirit of the age can positively transform the society and lead the healthy and harmonious development of society. Therefore, in order to impel the reasonable and healthy development of Chinese society, we cannot blindly copy western cultural idea or construction experience. Instead, we must construct social ideals and cultural ideologies conforming to Chinese social and cultural conditions, and change their connotation and maintain ideological innovation as time goes, thus advance China's economic,political and cultural construction with new ideas and new culture both reflecting on the spirit of the age and being provided with Chinese traditional features. At the same time, the violence of various “ideas” or “doctrines” should be carefully defended, and the exchange, dialogue and interaction between different ideals, ideas and cultures should be developed, thus a rational, tolerant and wise road be opened.
Key words: utopia;scientific utopianism;scientific dystopianism; construction;deconstruction;