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  作者:人大科哲    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2018-7-16    


  刘劲杨,哲学博士,中国人民大学哲学院教授,科学技术哲学专业博士生导师,曾任哲学院副院长。现兼任北京自然辩证法研究会理事长、中国自然辩证法研究会常务理事。主要从事系统科学哲学、复杂性研究、科学方法论、当代自然哲学、科学技术与社会(STS)等。主持和参与完成多项国家级课题,著有《当代整体论的形式分析》(2018)《哲学视野中的复杂性》《科学技术哲学经典研读》(合著)等,发表有《论整体、部分及其构成》《论整体论与还原论之争》《自然哲学的研究传统与当代定位》《复杂性与非决定论》《人工智能算法的复杂性特质及其伦理挑战》“How to Deal With the Whole: Two Kinds of Holism in Methodology”等学术论文。曾获中国人民大学教学优秀奖,2012-2013年美国匹兹堡大学哲学系、科学哲学中心访问学者。

Liu JinyangProfessor of the School of Philosophy of RUC, currently the chair of the Philosophy of Science and Technology department within the School of Philosophy, works upon the philosophy of science, with interest in the scientific methodology, metaphysic problems of science, complexity and system science. He has published many academic articles and several booksincluding “A Formal Analysis of Contemporary Holism”(2018), "Complexity: A Philosophical View"(2008), “Classic Readings in the Philosophy of Science and Technology” (2011,vice editor-in-Chief),“How to Deal With the Whole: Two Kinds of Holism in Methodology(2013) and so on. He presented some chinese or english papers in some international conferences, and ever visited University of Pittsburgh as visiting scholar during 2012-2013. He is a director member of the Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature (CSDN), the secretary of Committee of History of Philosophy of Science & Technology, and he ever received “RUC Teaching Excellence award" in 2010.
Email: Liu-Jinyang@sohu.com

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