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目 录

导 论

0.1 选题背景和意义

0.1.1 选题背景

0.1.2 选题意义

0.2 国内外研究综述

0.2.1 国外研究综述

0.2.2 国内研究现状

0.2.3 研究评述

0.3 研究思路、方法和要点

0.3.1 研究思路

0.3.2 研究方法

0.3.3 可能的创新点和难点

1章 大数据技术及其发展


1.1.1 大数据与大数据技术

1.1.2 大数据处理关键技术


1.2.1 大数据的发展阶段

1.2.2 大数据技术的发展历程

1.2.3 大数据在我国的发展

2章 大数据技术的应用场景

2.1 大数据技术在产业方面的应用

2.1.1 在智慧消防领域

2.1.2 在新能源汽车领域

2.1.3 在精准农业领域

2.2 大数据技术在民生和社会服务方面的应用

2.2.1 民生方面

2.2.2 社会服务方面

2.3 大数据技术在安全保障领域的应用

2.3.1 安保方面

2.3.2 公安情报方面

2.4 我国的大数据技术交易

2.4.1 我国大数据技术交易的发展特点

2.4.2 我国大数据技术交易的主要类型

2.4.3 大数据交易的法治环境

3章 大数据技术应用生命周期中的安全风险

3.1 大数据采集与安全风险

3.1.1 大数据采集的范围与策略

3.1.2 大数据采集的安全问题

3.1.3 对数据采集与隐私安全的反思

3.2 大数据存储与安全风险

3.2.1 大数据存储的特点分析

3.2.2 大数据存储的方式

3.2.3 大数据存储中的数据泄露风险分析

3.3 大数据处理与安全风险

3.3.1 大数据预处理 

3.3.2 大数据处理分析

3.3.3 大数据处理中的安全风险分析

4章 大数据技术社会应用的安全风险

4.1 数据造假与滥用带来的社会信任危机

4.1.1 数据造假

4.1.2 数据滥用

4.2 数据鸿沟与霸权带来的权利不平等

4.2.1 数据鸿沟

4.2.2 数据霸权

4.3 隐私侵犯与数据泄露带来的安全风险

4.3.1 隐私侵犯

4.3.2 数据泄露

5章 大数据技术应用安全风险的多元治理

5.1 基于安全技术能力提升的风险防控策略

5.1.1 构建全方位的大数据安全技术能力体系

5.1.2 强化大数据安全人才技术水平提升

5.1.3 优化大数据安全技术投入的规模与结构

5.2 立足伦理道德建设的风险规制路径

5.2.1 厘清大数据伦理意识培育的基本原则

5.2.2 探索符合大数据时代特点的培育思路

5.2.3 树立大数据道德伦理的核心地位

5.3 发挥社会机制作用的风险治理方略

5.3.1 推动大数据行业自律机制的构建与完善

5.3.2 健全大数据行业奖惩机制以规范主体行为

5.3.3 打造社会各界多方协同的长效合作监督机制

5.4 构建以法治为基石的大数据安全防护机制

5.4.1 明晰大数据安全保障立法的总体目标

5.4.2 树立契合大数据时代特点的安全立法理念

5.4.3 构建兼顾统一与分散的大数据安全立法模式

结 语


致 谢


摘 要
















Currently, big data technology is like a double-edged sword, leading human society into a new era while swinging. It integrates various functions such as data collection, storage, management, and analysis, sparking sparks in government governance, business operations, and technological innovation, greatly enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of decision-making. However, within this wave of big data, there are also a series of crises that cannot be ignored. Various risks inherent in the application of big data are quietly eroding individual rights, shaking social trust, and reshaping the trajectory of civilization. From data collection, storage, processing to application, there are significant security risks hidden in each aspect. We are on the edge between personal privacy and public interest, in the intense game between algorithmic abuse of power and the public's right to know, and in the stark gap between data oligopoly and social equity. If these risks are allowed to continue to spread, they will undoubtedly weaken citizens' basic rights and harm the public interest.

Facing the security risks hidden in the application of big data, we cannot turn a blind eye and let them spread unchecked. The key to reversing this dilemma lies in establishing a scientific, rational, and comprehensive governance system to guide the application of big data technology back on track in society. This study aims to comprehensively examine the potential crises in big data technology and deeply analyze the ethical dilemmas behind them, actively exploring governance strategies based on this foundation. In the surging tide of data, we must adhere to principles and innovate courageously; in the vortex of algorithms, we must not forget the light and move forward steadfastly. This thesis is divided into six parts, covering the technology and development process of big data, application scenarios, security risks, and multi-dimensional governance measures.

The introduction introduces the basis for the selection of the topic of this paper, the overview of domestic and international research, research ideas and methods, proposed innovations and difficulties. In particular, the practical application, value and social ethical dimensions of big data technology are sorted out from multiple perspectives at home and abroad, on the basis of which the security risks of cutting-edge big data technology applications are combined with multifaceted governance, in an attempt to construct a model for big data technology with multidisciplinary integration.

Chapter 1 clarifies the relevant concepts and development process of big data technology. We comprehensively explore the definition, characteristics, and scope of big data, analyzes the differences between big data, big data technology, and key technologies for big data processing, and delicately outlines the development process of big data technology on the stage of the information age and its development trend in China to better grasp its uniqueness.

Chapter 2 examines the three major application scenarios of big data technology, vividly demonstrating its transformative impact across fields with case studies. In the industrial field, the application scope of big data technology is extensive, covering areas such as smart firefighting, new energy vehicles, and precision agriculture. In the field of people's livelihood and social services, big data technology is suitable for improving people's livelihood and providing social services. In terms of security guarantee, especially in security and public security intelligence, it is committed to improving case handling efficiency. Finally, an analysis of China's big data technology transactions, including their development characteristics, main types, and legal environment, provides important references for understanding the background of domestic applications and development of big data technology.

Chapter 3 thoroughly analyzes the four basic links and their potential security risks in the application of big data technology. In the life cycle of big data, each stage faces specific security threats, which may affect the overall security of the system and the reliability of the data. In order to comprehensively analyze the security challenges faced by big data technology in core links, we start from the collection process of data, examine defense measures to ensure the secure transmission and protection of data at the time of generation; then, focus on the storage stage, discussing how to avoid data leakage and loss and ensure the robustness of backup and recovery processes; in the processing stage, we evaluate how to ensure the security of processing activities.

Chapter 4 focuses on three prominent data security risks in the application of big data technology. In terms of data fraud and misuse, a serious social trust crisis has emerged; data divide and data hegemony have caused unequal rights, further exacerbating social differentiation and injustice; privacy infringement and data leakage have also become the focus of security risks, while algorithmic opacity may lead to personal privacy violations, and the loss of data sovereignty will exacerbate citizens' information security dilemma. The existence of these problems highlights the challenges and problems in the application of big data technology, which need to be effectively addressed.

Chapter 5 systematically proposes governance measures for the security risks of big data technology applications under multi-dimensional governance, aiming to build a safer, more transparent, and responsible big data ecosystem. Firstly, the strategy to enhance the security of big data technology to avoid risks is proposed, including strengthening the construction of the big data security technology capability system, improving the network security technology level of relevant personnel, and strengthening investment in big data protection security technology. Secondly, the importance of nurturing ethical awareness and responsibility in big data is emphasized, including clarifying the main principles and basic ideas of ethical awareness cultivation and the necessity of conducting ethics and morality education in big data. Then, the need to strengthen the social mechanisms of big data security is discussed, including the establishment of industry self-discipline mechanisms, the establishment of industry reward and punishment mechanisms, and the establishment of long-term cooperative supervision mechanisms. Finally, measures to improve the laws and regulations of big data security are proposed, including clarifying the legislative purpose of big data security protection, adhering to the legislative concept of big data security, and improving the legislative mode under the guidance of legislative concepts. These strategies provide important references for the security of big data technology applications under multi-dimensional governance, aiming to raise the awareness of various sectors of society to data security issues and provide theoretical basis for establishing a sound data security protection mechanism.

In conclusion, this study is based on the urgent practical needs of the current development of big data technology, and aims to comprehensively and deeply analyze the many security risks and ethical dilemmas existing in its application, and then propose detailed solutions. We not only deeply analyze the risk points of each application link but also actively builds a management framework for nurturing ethical awareness, improving regulatory systems, and enhancing technical levels. These measures are intended to provide reliable decision-making basis for relevant decision-making departments and enterprises to formulate supervision and self-discipline mechanisms for big data technology, and to provide guidance for the healthy development of big data technology.


Keywords: Big dataTechnology Application; Security risks; Multi-dimensional Governance

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