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0.1 生平简介 

0.2 研究意义 

0.3 主要研究与著作

0.4 国内外研究综述 

0.5 论文研究内容 

第一章 技术作为代具:技术对人的构成性

1.1 代:作为延异的技术

1.1.1 外在化和已经在此

1.1.2 代具的哲学意味:呈现缺陷 

1.2 具:延异中的技术

1.2.1 技术物:有机化的无机物 

1.2.2 技术物不是技术实体

1.3 从代具到一般器官学 

1.3.1 代具观念遭遇以及可能遭遇的问题 

1.3.2 一般器官学理论:基本框架和技术器官 

1.3.3 一般器官学对人和技术之间关系的启发 

第二章 技术作为记忆:人对技术的能动性

2.1 第三记忆与语法化 

2.1.1 第三记忆的两个来源

2.1.2 第三记忆:作为遗忘和确正的技术 

2.1.3 语法化:记忆技术的发展过程 

2.2 技术作为第三滞留

2.2.1 从康德的三重综合到胡塞尔的两重回忆 

2.2.2 意识的空间性:第三滞留作为图像意识 

2.2.3 意识的时间性:第三滞留作为电影 

2.2.4 第三滞留还是第三记忆? 

2.3 一般器官学:心理器官和社会器官的个体化 

2.3.1 从意识分析到意识的社会批判 

2.3.2 心理器官和社会器官的跨个体化 

第三章 技术作为药:对技术问题的社会批判 

3.1 什么是药学

3.1.1 药的双层涵义

3.1.2 再论一般器官学

3.2 技术的毒性 

3.2.1 速度的胜利:延迟性的消失

3.2.2 无产阶级化:差异性的消失 

3.2.3 消费主义:欲望的剥夺

3.3 毒性的治愈:友爱与参与 

3.3.1 哲学观念中的友爱 

3.3.2 参与与行动

3.4 跨越技术乐观主义和技术悲观主义

3.4.1 悲剧/意外作为悲观主义的来源

3.4.2 乐观的悲观主义精神

第四章 从技术哲学到技术学:对斯蒂格勒技术思想的回应 

4.1 对斯蒂格勒技术思想的补充:技术的“艺术化”和“缺陷”

4.1.1 过于“艺术化”的技术

4.1.2 缺陷和遗忘的伦理维度 

4.2 斯蒂格勒技术思想的定位:从哲学与技术哲学的角度

4.2.1 哲学:在现象学与结构主义之间 

4.2.2 技术哲学:在先验论与经验论之间

4.3 斯蒂格勒技术思想的启示与发展:从技术哲学到技术学 

4.3.1 当前技术哲学的问题及研究纲领 

4.3.2 以技术物为导向的技术学 















  French Philosopher Bernard Stiegler's thinking on technics is highly original, constituting not only the cornerstone of his philosophical theory, but also providing new theoretical perspectives and research paths for philosophy, philosophy of technology, and critical theory of technology. Currently, Stiegler's thought exerts significant influence in Western philosophy, Marxist philosophy, and media criticism theory. However, without a research perspective from the philosophy of technology, the true significance of his ideas may be difficult to comprehend. This paper is primarily rooted in the field of philosophy of technology, and analyzes Stiegler's technological thought through three representative concepts: prosthesis, memory, and pharmacology.

  The introduction not only introduces and explains Stiegler's life, theoretical background, major works, and intellectual value, but also briefly clarifies the significance and main research content of the paper by reviewing and pointing out the existing research and its limitations.  

Chapter One, entitled "Technology as a Prosthesis," examines Stiegler's interpretation of technology from anthropological and philosophical perspectives, as well as its role as a prerequisite and foundation for the concepts of memory and pharmacology. The main content of this chapter includes: (1) identifying the two layers of meaning in Stiegler's concept of prosthesis - technology as the essence and extension of human beings, and technology as technical objects and their extensions - and pointing out that due to a lack of understanding of these two layers, some existing criticisms of Stiegler may be more like misconceptions; (2) analyzing the problems encountered by the concept of prosthesis and the potential problems it may face, and identifying how the concept of prosthesis serves as the starting point for Stiegler's theory of general organology. The discussion of Stiegler's theory of general organology in this chapter includes its basic structure, related terminology, and individuation of technical organs; and (3) exploring what insights technology as a prosthesis can offer when faced with debates on the relationship between human beings and technology.

Chapter Two, entitled "Technology as Memory," analyzes Stiegler's technological thought from an epistemological or consciousness analysis perspective that considers technology as memory. This chapter discusses Stiegler's technological memory both from the perspective of the tertiary memory and the tertiary retention: (1) identifying the two sources of the tertiary memory, forgetting and orthothesis, as well as its characteristic features and developmental history - grammatization. (2) Discussing how Stiegler's use of technological memory as the tertiary retention complements Husserl's theory of inner time consciousness. From a spatial perspective, Stiegler's third retention appears as what Husserl called image consciousness; from a temporal perspective, the third retention manifests as the mechanism by which consciousness functions like a movie. (3) Emphasizing the need to distinguish between the third memory and the third retention and pointing out that the failure to make such distinctions has made it difficult to present objective criticisms of Stiegler's concepts. Based on this, this chapter argues that Stiegler's concept of the tertiary memory more accurately reflects technological memory while the usage of tertiary retention could cause confusion and misinterpretation. (4) Exploring the individualization of psychological and social organs and their countertendency on technical organs - these feedback effects reflect human agency and serve to outline the complete structure of Stiegler's theory of general organology and its transindividuation operational mechanisms.

Chapter Three, entitled "Technology as Pharmakon," interprets technology as both poison and cure, reflecting Stiegler's concern with the social problems that arise from technology and his critical perspectives on contemporary technological reality. In Stiegler's view, technology is both a poison and a cure. The toxicity of technology arises from the speed differential between technological and social development, and the toxicity tends to occur before the curative effects. This chapter primarily (1) deals with the problem of how technology generates toxicity, and, based on this, presents the progressive erosion of psychological and social organs by technological toxicity through delay loss, differentiation loss, and disire loss. Previous research has either focused on Stiegler's description of a particular toxicity or displayed various toxicities in parallel. The progressive description is more conducive to our understanding of the logic behind Stiegler's technological toxicity and provides a more profound interpretation of his critical technological thought. (2) Discussing the remedies that Stiegler has proposed - individuals becoming amateur and the collective development of contributtion economics, it points out that these two measures share political mechanisms of establishing friendly relationships and participating in discussions. (3) Stiegler's pharmacological theory provides new perspectives that could reconcile technological optimism and pessimism, with Stiegler himself being defined as an optimistic pessimist.

Chapter Four, seeks to respond to Stiegler's philosophy of technology through supplementation, positioning, and development. (1) It notes potential misunderstandings from Stiegler's discussion of art and the artist, which tend to overemphasize the aesthetic aspects of technology, leading to the mistaken belief that aesthetic function is more important than practicality in technical practice. Additionally, Stiegler only develops the meaning of forgetting within epistemology and fails to extend its ethical implications. On the one hand, ethical issues of forgetting are particularly relevant in the digital age, and we ought to deliberately promote and protect the quality of forgetting in internet technology. On the other hand, current memory ethics mostly focuses on the ethics of "remembering," while Stiegler's analysis of forgetting highlights a novel perspective for exploration.(2) Stiegler's philosophy of technology has significant value and position in the philosophical field. He has paved the way to a hybrid school of thought that combines phenomenology and structuralism, grounding his theory of technology on technological conditions, avoiding the theoretical shortcomings of both phenomenology and structuralism, and seamlessly blending the methods and approaches of both disciplines. Furthermore, his philosophy of technology transcends the distinction between a classical and empirical observation, opening up a new path that diverges from both classical philosophy of technology and empirical philosophy of technology.(3) By integrating Stiegler's positions in philosophy and philosophy of technology, we can develop a new research agenda, different from the existing philosophy of technology, science and technology studies, and other related fields. This new research agenda, called "La technologie" is grounded in Stiegler's philosophy of technology.

   In conclusion, this paper analyzes Stiegler's philosophy of technology from the perspectives of prosthesis, memory, and pharmacology. It argues that Stiegler's approach (1) replaces the logocentrism of old-fashioned philosophy with the contingency and dynamism represented by technology; (2) transcends the binary oppositions between classical philosophy of technology and empirical philosophy of technology, between technocratic and instrumentalist approaches to technology, and between technological determinism and social constructivism; (3) demonstrates the problems and solutions of technology from the standpoint of systems theory or general organology. The problem of technology lies in the imbalance between psychic organs, social organs, and technical organs resulting from its rapid development, and the solution is to establish relationships of friendship and participation through the formation of relevant knowledge, norms, and social organizations that enable the organological system to reach a new state of quasi-stability. (4) This paper suggests that a new research agenda "La technologie" may emerge, based on the synthesis of philosophical consideration of technology objects and composition thinking.


Key Words: Bernard Stiegler; Technics; Prosthesis; Memory; Pharmakon



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