0.1 行动者因果的问题背景
0.1.1 引言
0.1.2 当代因果理论背景下的行动者因果
0.1.3 重审行动者因果的理由
0.2 相关研究与本文的辩护策略
0.2.1 相关研究概述
0.2.2 辩护策略:哲学史地做哲学
第 1 章 行动者因果作为一般因果的历史境况
1.1 从古希腊到中世纪:中心地位的跌落
1.1.1 古希腊时期:目的因的中心地位
1.1.2 中世纪时期:朝向动力因的转变
1.2 人的减损:行动者在因果图景中的移除
1.2.1 动力因与霍布斯论“运动”
1.2.2 休谟的因果理论
1.2.3 投射主义与还原论的兴起
1.3 消亡的行动者:行动者在当代因果理论中的境况
1.3.1 马登、内格尔,威勒曼论行动者与人类行动
1.3.2 什么威胁着行动者?
1.3.3 自由行动者的必要性
第 2 章 彻底的行动者因果与其认识论上的基础地位
2.1 奠基问题及其困难
2.1.1 其他因果理论的机会
2.1.2 自由的行动能力与可选择性
2.1.3 自然必然性与自由的张力
2.2 里德的遗产:一种彻底的行动者因果理论
2.2.1 里德论人的行动能力
2.2.2 能力如何解释原因
2.2.3 关于能力的争论:在洛克、休谟与里德之间
2.3 认识论上基础地位与留待辩护的议题
2.3.1 认识论立场与形而上学立场的区分
2.3.2 退行问题,一个致命的威胁?
2.3.3 认识论基础地位所留待辩护的议题
第 3 章 行动中的知识:作为一种自我知识
3.1 里德的行动类型学与典范行动
3.1.1 里德论行动与身体的运用
3.1.2 里德论行动与意志的行使
3.1.3 典范行动:基于理性原则的自由行动
3.2 自我知识:一个简明概述
3.2.1 自我知识的定义与历史传统
3.2.2 分析传统中对自我知识的消极看法
3.2.3 自我知识的特征与当代主要理论
3.2.4 自我知识的理性主义理论
3.3 作为一种自我知识的行动中的知识
3.3.1 行动中的知识与非观察性知识
3.3.2 行动中的知识与其双重面向
第 4 章 行动中的知识:作为原初因果知识
4.1 比尔格拉米论自我知识与能动性
4.1.1 自我知识的通透性与权威性
4.1.2 基于能动性的论证
4.2 自我知识的因果面向
4.2.1 能动性框架的缺失
4.2.2 能动感与其彰显的因果知识
4.2.3 行动中的原初因果知识
4.3 原初因果知识的重要性
4.3.1 自由与目的:原初因果知识的双重面向
4.3.2 目的论解释与生产性因果
4.3.3 心理因果中的自由与反事实依赖
第5章 结论与遗留问题
5.1 主要结论
5.2 对形而上学地位的说明
5.3 对于退行问题的回应
人类行动者在行动中获得的知识首先需要恰当地限定在“典范行动”的范围内。典范行动被定义为“行动者基于理性原则所产生的、自由的身体行动”。在这类典范行动中所获得的“行动中的知识”,就将是我们主要考察的对象。行动中的知识首先是一种“自我知识”,它具有通透性和权威性这两大特征,也正 是这两大特征使得自我知识具有原初性。其次,能动性为自我知识的两大特征提供了支持,这体现为:能动性使得自我知识具有了作为因果知识的面向。
The kernel of Agent-causation theory can be summarized as the human agent is the direct cause of his own action. Such a historical tradition has hardly been treated as a causal theory under nowadays naturalistic background.
However, contemporary mainstream causal theories are fall short in explaining human action, which gives us a permit to reconsider agent-causation theory. Such a revival work lies to treat agent-causation as a causal theory, even to recall its status as general causation. This paper then aims to defend this revival work, and it mainly focusses on arguing the epistemological fundamentality of agent-causation. More specifically, this paper aims to argue the thesis as follows: when a human agent acting, the related self understanding he owns that himself causes this action, is not only the primitive causal knowledge, but also has significance for us to understand the causation in general.
This knowledge that human agents own in action has firstly restricted in cases of paradigm actions. The so-called paradigm action has been defined as the free actions produced by rational principles which operate on the body. The “knowledges in action” which gains in those paradigm actions, turns to what we should investigate. Firstly, the knowledge in action is a kind of self-knowledge that has two features of transparency and authority, and it's exactly those features titled the primitivity of self-knowledge. Secondly, agency also reinforces the uniqueness of self-knowledge, which manifests as the following: the agency frame accomplishes the causal aspect of self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge in action therefore could be regarded as causal knowledge. Since it’s essentially a self-knowledge, this kind of causal knowledge also shares the primitivity. Besides, its significance unfolds as the fact that the self-knowledge we own when exert our active power is significant for us to understand causation in general. This claim includes two parts: the ends as what we pursue, and the freedom as an inner feeling. The former makes us to distinguish causation from mere happenings, the later interwoven with our understanding of counterfactual dependence.
Thus, agent-causation owns the fundamentality at least in an epistemological level, which give us reasons to reconsider its status as general causation seriously.
Key words: Causation;Agent-causation;Epistemology;Self-Knowledge;Thomas Reid;