第1章 技术治理思想的传入与技术官僚群体的诞生
1.1 近代科学主义思潮下的技术治理思想
1.1.1 近代中国的科学主义思潮
1.1.2 技术治理思想传入与争论
1.1.3 技术治理思想的时代意义
1.2 科学本土化中的科学团体与技术官僚
1.2.1 近代科学社会化与社会科学化
1.2.2 科学本土化运动中的两个实例
1.2.3 技术专家的政治觉醒及其参与
第2章 资委会技术治理萌芽:国防设计委员会建立
2.1 国防设计委员会的技术专家
2.1.1 工程技术专家的职业分布
2.1.2 工程技术专家工业救国论
2.2 国防设计委员会的组织结构
2.2.1 国防设计委员会的领导人物
2.2.2 国防设计委员会的组织架构
2.2.3 国防设计委员会的主要职责
2.3 国防设计委员会的治理措施
2.3.1 展开全行业调查与统计
2.3.2 跨部门合作的行政体系
2.4 积极利用外资推动技术革新
第3章 资委会技术治理策略:技术救国到技术治国
3.1 国家资本主义
3.1.1 统制政策指导工业治理
3.1.2 资源委员会与多方合作
3.1.3 国家资本的贡献与局限
3.2 项目制的实施
3.2.1 计划经济到国家设计
3.2.2 工业建设的实践单元
3.3 推进技术革新
3.3.1 技术引进与技术合作
3.3.2 技术人才的培养制度
3.3.3 科学研究与工业互动
第4章 资委会技术治理行动:大型项目的计划实施
4.1 战时工业内迁与布局
4.1.1 工厂内迁的原则
4.1.2 工厂内迁的策略
4.1.3 工厂内迁的影响
4.2 长江三峡开发与建设
4.2.1 长江沿岸前期勘测
4.2.2 三峡计划初步报告
4.2.3 中美合作开发三峡
4.2.4 三峡开发实践意义
4.3 玉门油矿的成功实践
4.3.1 开发玉门油矿的背景
4.3.2 建立甘肃油矿筹备处
4.3.3 玉门油矿的现实意义
4.4 海南岛的构想与改造
4.4.1 海南岛的历史现实情况
4.4.2 改造海南岛的具体措施
4.5 大工程技术治理方法
4.5.1 以技术专家为中心
4.5.2 可持续的整体规划
4.5.3 建设中的量化管理
第5章 资委会技术治理结构:专家领导与科学管理
5.1 新政学系中的技术官僚
5.1.1 新政学系的起源
5.1.2 技术官僚的特征
5.1.3 技术官僚的影响
5.2 现代科学管理制度保障
5.2.1 技术专家负责制
5.2.2 科学激励制度化
5.2.3 标准化与规范化
5.2.4 产学研有机结合
5.2.5 企业的精神气质
第6章 资委会技术治理局限:技术专家的专制统治
6.1 技术治理的意识形态化
6.1.1 经济国家主义指导下的工业化建设
6.1.2 技术治理与国民党专制统治的融合
6.2 传统官僚制的现实局限
6.2.1 隶属关系混乱影响行政效率
6.2.2 吸收外援与独立建设相冲突
6.2.3 陷入各政治势力斗争的漩涡
6.3 起义分歧与社会化改造
第7章 技术治理的当代阐释与国家治理现代化要求
7.1 技术治理的技术演进
7.1.1 旧技术治理的缺陷
7.1.2 技术治理的新结构
7.1.3 治理的试验性模式
7.2 技术专家的社会角色
7.2.1 技术专家的信任度与责任伦理
7.2.2 技术专家角色变迁的社会意义
7.2.3 技术专家威权主义与政治赋权
7.3 国家治理的技术手段
7.3.1 国家治理现代化的内生动力
7.3.2 国家治理的技术自主性趋向
7.3.3 国家治理与技术民主化张力
致 谢
摘 要
The National Resources Commission (NRC) was an important administration for industrial and economic construction, and the largest state-owned enterprise led by engineers and technical experts during the Republican China. It has dual attributes of government and enterprise. The predecessor of the NRC was the National Defense Design Committee (NDDC), established in Nanjing in November 1932 after 9.18 Incident and affiliated to the General Staff Headquarters. Chiang Kai-Shek served as the chairman, Weng Wen-Hao and Qian Chang-Zhao served as the secretary-general and deputy secretary-general. NDDC secretly conduct national defense-related investigations, research, and planning activities in response to a possible war. In April 1935, the NDDC and the Resource Department of the Ordnance Industry Agency merged into the NRC, which was subordinate to the National Government Military Committee. In March 1938, the NRC was transferred to the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Executive Yuan. Since then, the focus of the work has shifted from national defense construction to comprehensive industrial and economic construction. In October 1949, the NRC accepted the reorganization of the new regime, and the core personnel continued to devote themselves to the industrial and economic construction for the new China.
The NRC had over 121 head offices, 1,000 enterprises and 320,000 stuff at one point, and its business scope covered petroleum, steel, machinery, mining, electric power, chemicals, paper, sugar, etc. Since the Self-Strengthening Movement, the NRC has contributed to the second leap of China's modern industrialization, guaranteed China's economic construction during the war, and accumulated certain experts and technical foundations for the industrial development of New China. As a government administration, the political attributes of the NRC and its technical expert group have also attracted much attention. Technocrats, like Weng Wen-Hao, became an important new political force in the late Republican China, as changing the thousand-year-old tradition of civilian governance.
This thesis, from the perspective of sociology of science, takes the NRC as the research object, according to the relevant historical data, deeply analyzes the inherent historical and logical connection between modern Chinese experts, technology and power, and believes that the essential reason for the vigorous development of the NRC is its persistent technocracy model led by technical experts and based on the principle of scientific management, and believes that the establishment of this model has important theoretical significance and practical value. Specifically, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
Firstly, the establishment of the technocracy of the NRC has a profound ideological tradition, including the two major trends of modern Chinese scientism and technocracy. Although the trend of scientism is mixed with many extreme social and political factors, it is still the pursuit and defense of instrumental rationalism in essence. Technocracy inherited this tradition of instrumental rationalism, advocating that scientists and engineers participate in social management to save the social chaos during the Republican China. The establishment of the NRC was based on these two ideological traditions, and it has widely attracted scientists and engineers to participate in government administration, thus giving birth to the earliest group of technocrats in China.
Secondly, the practice of NRC's technocracy has gone through three steps: development, formulation, and action, each step embodies the technical expert leadership and scientific management principles advocated by the NRC. Among them, the national governance strategy from saving the country with technology to governing the country with technology is in line with the social and historical development at that time. Technical experts are endowed with certain political powers, so that they can more easily carry out related technological innovation and economic construction activities. On the contrary, the successful practice of these activities has further enhanced the political status of technocrats and achieved a smooth rotation of technological development and power enhancement. Of course, there is also an imbalance in the process of experts controlling technology and power, which leads to traditional bureaucratic ills such as corruption, autocracy and monopoly.
Finally, the technocracy practice of the NRC has important historical reference significance for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity advocated by our country. The modernization of governance subjects, governance tools and governance consciousness are inseparable from the development of science and technology. In the construction of the national governance system, in addition to keeping pace with the times and mastering modern scientific and technological knowledge, more responsibility ethics and humanistic care should be embedded, and avoid the governance imbalance that has occurred in the NRC.
Key words: Republican China; National Resources Commission; Technocracy; Technical experts; Expert politics.