0.1 选题背景与意义
0.1.1 选题背景
0.1.2 选题意义
0.2 文献综述与研究现状
0.2.1 技术间的共生
0.2.2 技术的进化、创新与衰亡
0.2.3 技术与社会的共生
0.2.4 对文献及研究现状的评述
0.3 研究思路、方法与创新性
0.3.1 研究思路
0.3.2 研究方法
0.3.3 创新性
第1章 技术共生现象的普遍性
1.1 技术间共生现象的普遍性
1.1.1 横向共生:结构及功能中的互补与协同
1.1.2 纵向共生:运动与演化中的承接与联动
1.2 技术与环境间共生现象的普遍性
1.2.1 技术与自然环境的共生
1.2.2 技术与社会环境的共生
1.3 对技术共生现象展开反思的重要性
1.3.2 新兴技术的发展要求探索社会与技术的新型共生之路
1.4 本章小结
第2章 技术共生观的理论基础
2.1 西蒙栋对技术物存在模式及其与人类关系的重构
2.1.1 技术物的个体化过程
2.1.2 人与技术的互补与协作关系
2.2 吉尔的技术系统理论
2.2.1 技术系统的内部结构关系
2.2.2 技术系统的演化及其与社会环境的相互作用
2.3 行动者网络理论对非人行动者主体性的阐释
2.4 本章小结
第3章 技术间共生关系的生成与演化
3.1 技术间共生关系的生成动力
3.1.1 必要性:社会与技术发展的客观需求
3.1.2 可能性:技术元素的供给作用
3.2 技术间共生关系的两种演化模式
3.2.1 卫星式共生模式及结构深化式演化
3.2.2 链条型结合模式及层级式演化
3.3 技术间共生关系的生命周期
3.4 本章小结
第4章 外部环境对技术共生演化的引导与规制
4.1 社会环境要素的一般特征及其对技术的影响
4.1.1 社会经济对技术的影响
4.1.2 政府政策对技术演化的影响
4.1.3 社会文化对技术的影响
4.2 技术与环境之间关系的重新审度
4.2.1 技术环境论:人文主义技术哲学语境下的“环境”解读
4.2.2 环境地位的归正:对技术环境论的驳斥
4.3 环境对技术演化的规制与选择
4.3.1 自然选择机制:达尔文主义式的技术演化
4.3.2 能动适应机制:拉马克主义式的技术演化
4.3.3 对两种演化机制的反思
4.4 本章小结
第5章 新兴技术对社会环境的冲击:以数字技术为例
5.1 数字技术的主要特征
5.2 数字技术对艺术与文化的冲击
5.2.1 数字技术与艺术文化的属性冲突
5.2.2 技术形式对文化内容的反噬
5.3 新兴技术对社会技术体系的冲击
5.3.1 社会技术体系与新技术的错位与失衡
5.3.2 新型社会技术形态的形成:以外卖平台体系为例
5.4 本章小结
第6章 技术观的共生化转向
6.1 推动技术发展的多样性与适度性
6.1.1 维持技术多样性是技术全面发展的前提
6.1.2 引导新兴技术适度发展是技术稳健前行的保证
6.1.3 技术发展结构的矫正:从“内卷化”到“可持续”
6.2 共生视域下的技术异化出路
6.2.1 现实主义的、政治经济学的技术批判路径
6.2.2 浪漫主义的、文化人类学的技术批判路径
6.2.3 建构合乎生态价值观的人-技关系
6.3 技术认识论的共生化变迁
6.3.1 工程学传统的技术观及其局限性
6.3.2 人文主义传统的技术观及其局限性
6.3.3 社会建构论对人文主义技术观的超越及其缺陷
6.3.4 技术共生观的超越性
6.4 本章小结
This dissertation presents and expounds on a symbiotic view of technology to re-examine the evolution of technology system and its interaction with the environment (which mainly refers to the social environment). Furthermore, it aims to explore the humanistic implication and value concept of the phenomenon of technological symbiosis. Symbiosis is a type of description and comparison of the relationship form of organic integration, interdependence, and dynamic balance among various levels within the technology system and between the system and the external environment. The phenomenon of technological symbiosis, as discussed in this dissertation, mainly includes two levels, namely, the symbiosis among technologies and between technology and the social environment. The first illustrates the compatible mode and coupling relationship among various technologies, whereas the second demonstrates the organic integration and mutual adaptation between technology and society. The view of technological symbiosis understands the existence, progress, and innovation of technology from the perspectives of integrity and evolution and regards the technology system as a form of life system with generative and organic characteristics. It vividly presents the mechanism for the internal development of the technological system and its interaction with society. To a certain extent, the theory of technological symbiosis is a relationship philosophy that emphasizes the dependent, organic, and harmonious relationships among different technologies and between society and technology. Furthermore, it pursues a scientific, coordinated, and sustainable development process. As such, promoting the coordinated development of technology and society, adjusting the conflicts and contradictions between humans and technology, and improving the efficiency of technological innovation are significant aspects. This study is theoretical and adapts to the trend of cluster growth in modern science, technology, economy, and society.
Chapter 1 points out the universality of technological symbiosis and the importance of studying it. The symbiosis among technologies is observed in individuals and groups. It is reflected not only in the mutual support of technology structure and function but also in the continuity and mutual promotion of technology movement and evolution. The symbiosis between technology and society is the concrete expression of the symbiosis within the technology system in the real environment. That is, the generation and development of technology are realized under certain environmental conditions, directly or indirectly affected by various factors in the environment. Moreover, the generation and development of technology, in turn, shape and create the environment. Therefore, the internal symbiotic relationship of technology is embedded in the external symbiotic relationship, and the technology network is generated in the economic, cultural, policy, and other social environments. The symbiotic relationship of technology is an organic internal connection. It is a dynamically balanced Spatio-temporal form formed by the combination of the tension of the internal evolution of the technology system and the binding and stimulating force of the social environment. Moreover, this relationship generally presents a situation of interdependence and coexistence among technologies, and between technology and society. In the current era, the symbioses among technologies and between technologies and the social environment have shown an unprecedented new trend. This event has caused a great influence on the development of technology and human society. Because of this, an in-depth discussion on the phenomenon of technological symbiosis and its latest evolution should be conducted.
Chapter 2 expounds on the theoretical basis of technological symbiosis from the perspectives of technological philosophy, history of technology, and sociology of technology. From the dynamic relationship perspective, Simondon, Gille, and Latour analyzed the essence of technology and its interaction with humans and affirmed the subject initiative of technological objects. Moreover, they pointed out the organic and systematic characteristics in the process of technology existence and evolution, which provided a theoretical premise and basis for the construction of technological symbiosis theory in this dissertation.
Chapter 3 mainly explains the formation mechanism and evolution process of the symbiotic relationship among technologies. The generation of power sources for the symbiotic relationship among technologies comes from two aspects, namely, the promotion of demand and the supply function of existing technology. Its evolution is mainly reflected in two aspects, that is, the continuous deepening of symbiotic structure and the improvement of constituent elements. The former is embodied in the evolution of the satellite symbiotic structure, whereas the latter refers to the progress and innovation of technological nodes in the technology chain. These two processes are intertwined to jointly promote the overall development of symbiosis.
Chapters 4 and 5 explore the interaction mechanism of the symbiotic relationship between technology and environment (including social environment and natural environment) from two aspects, that is, the guidance and regulation of the environment on the evolution of technology and the impact of technology on the environment, respectively. Chapter 4 refutes the theory of technological environment and points out that the concept and status of “environment” should be corrected so that the relationship between technology and environment can be put in the correct position. This chapter also discusses the influence mechanism of the environment on technological evolution from the technology evolution theory perspective. Chapter 5 begins with digital technology, selecting specific cases in society to explore the contradictions and conflicts faced during the integration of emerging technologies and social environments. This chapter emphasizes that the construction of the social technology system must be strengthened to improve the governance and regulation under the impact of emerging technologies. It also warns us to remain aware of the phenomenon of technological hegemony promoted by capital. Moreover, this chapter encourages us to guide and restrict the application of emerging technologies with social mechanisms, such as law and ethics. Furthermore, Chapter 5 suggests that we promote the coordinated evolution of society and emerging technologies.
Chapter 6 points out that the symbiosis turn of technological view should be promoted from three aspects, that is, the view of technological development, the view of the human–technology relationship, and the epistemology of technology. From the technological development perspective, we should promote the unbalanced technological development status of “only innovation” and “only application” to a coordinated and sustainable technological development model. Then, from the human–technology relationship perspective, we should readjust the human–technology relationship with the ecological values to realize the transformation from the “Megamachine” human–technology relationship to the symbiotic human–technology relationship. Finally, from the epistemology of technology perspective, the concept of technological symbiosis has reversed the critical path of technological alienation. This concept has also realized the integration and transcendence of engineering and humanism traditional technology view and further extended the theory of social constructivism of technology.
Key Words:symbiosis; view of technology; technological evolution; technology system; social environment