题 目:智能社会技治主义研究
答 辩 人:兰立山
指导老师:刘永谋 教授
目 录
第1章 智能社会技治主义的缘起
1.1 技治主义的核心原则和主要理论
1.1.1 技治主义的核心原则
1.1.2 技治主义的主要理论
1.2 智能社会推动技治主义的发展
1.2.1 当代社会正在步入智能社会
1.2.2 智能技术与科学管理
1.2.3 智能技术与专家政治
1.3 技治主义是智能社会治理的重要特征
1.3.1 智能治理是智能社会的主要治理模式
1.3.2 科技专家在智能社会治理中发挥重要作用
1.4 本章小结
第2章 智能社会技治主义的界定
2.1 传统技治主义的定义
2.1.1 狭义技治主义
2.1.2 技治主义的“平静革命”
2.1.3 广义技治主义
2.2 智能社会技治主义的定义
2.2.1 技治主义的“深度革命”
2.2.2 智能社会技治主义
2.3 智能社会技治主义的特征
2.3.1 治理智能化
2.3.2 治理精准化
2.3.3 推进民主运行
2.3.4 兼顾人文关怀
2.4 本章小结
第3章 智能社会技治主义的主要内容
3.1 智能社会技治主义的核心原则
3.1.1 技术治理
3.1.2 专家咨询
3.2 智能社会技治主义的运行模式
3.2.1 传统技治主义的运行模式
3.2.2 智能社会技治主义运行模式的区分标准
3.2.3 智能社会技治主义的运行模式
3.3 智能社会技治主义的主要类型
3.3.1 强智能社会技治主义
3.3.2 弱智能社会技治主义
3.4 本章小结
第4章 智能社会技治主义的风险
4.1 政治风险
4.1.1 传统技治主义的政治风险
4.1.2 大数据技术与权力集中
4.1.3 算法政治的风险
4.2 经济风险
4.2.1 传统技治主义的经济风险
4.2.2 监控资本主义
4.2.3 价格共谋和价格歧视
4.3 伦理风险
4.3.1 传统技治主义的伦理风险
4.3.2 智能技术的伦理问题
4.4 法律风险
4.5 本章小结
第5章 智能社会技治主义风险的应对
5.1 法律途径
5.1.1 法律规制
5.1.2 从“代码即法律”到“法律即代码”
5.2 民主途径
5.2.1 民主治理
5.2.2 智能民主
5.3 伦理途径
5.3.1 伦理调试
5.3.2 作为道德中介的智能技术
5.4 其他途径
5.4.1 行政监管
5.4.2 技术教育
5.5 本章小结
结语 走向审度的技治主义
Technocracy arose from the American Technocracy Movement in the 1930s and 1940s and has been criticized ever since. Although the Technocracy Movement failed soon,technocracy did not die out. It flourished in different countries and organizations in different models, which has become the main feature of some countries or organizations, such as Singapore, European Union and so on. With the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and block chain, the contemporary society is stepping into an intelligent society, which greatly promotes the development of technocracy based on science and technology. In the intelligent society, there is no denying that technocracy plays an important role in the political decision-making, administrative management, social governance although it is still condemned. And it has become an important feature in the operation and governance of the intelligent society. Obviously, the development of technocracy in the intelligent society is not consistent with the simple view of technocracy as a kind of “utopia” or “dystopia”. In this way, the two attitudes which are the pure support or opposition to technocracy formed based on the two kinds of technocracy are also very problematic. Therefore, in order to clarify the contents, functions and risks of technocracy of intelligent society, this paper will make a systematic study of technocracy of intelligent society. On this basis, the paper puts forward an attitude called the reconsidering technocracy, which is different from the simply supporting or opposing technocracy. It is not only of great value to give full play to the role of technocracy of intelligent society, but also of great significance to promote the theoretical research of technocracy.
In summary, the main content of this paper is as follows:
The first chapter mainly discusses the origin of technocracy of intelligent society. The paper holds that the intelligent society greatly promotes the development of the two core principles of technocracy, and technocracy has become an important feature of governance of intelligent society, which makes the technocracy of intelligent society substantially different from the past technocracy. In order to distinguish the two technocracy, the paper refers the past technocracy as traditional technocracy, and the technocracy in the intelligent society as technocracy of intelligent society.
In chapter 2, this paper defines the technocracy of intelligent society. The paper holds that technocracy of intelligent society is the latest development and form of technocracy in the intelligent society and it has different characteristics and contents from the traditional theory of technocracy, which is the theory of governance mainly emphasized intelligent technology, science and technology experts are playing an important role in the development and construction of contemporary society. Compared with the traditional governance, technocracy of intelligent society is characterized by intelligent governance, precise governance, democratic operation and humanistic care.
Chapter 3 mainly analyzes the main contents of technocracy of intelligent society from three aspects: core principles, operation modes and main types, which are quite different from traditional technocracy.
Chapter 4 focuses on the main risks of technocracy of intelligent society, namely political risk, economic risk, ethical risk and legal risk. Among them, the legal risk does not exist in the traditional technocracy. It is a new risk emerging in the technocracy of intelligent society.
In the last chapter, chapter 5, the paper puts forward corresponding strategies to deal with the risks of technocracy of intelligent society, which mainly include legal regulation, democratic governance, ethical adjustment, Administrative supervision and technical education.
In the epilogue part, based on the study of technocracy of intelligent society, the paper puts forward a new attitude of technocracy, that is, the reconsidering technocracy. The reconsidering technocracy advocates that technocracy should be put in a specific context for value evaluation, rather than simply support or oppose it on the whole.
Keyword: Technocracy, Technocracy of Intelligent Society, Reconsideration