题 目:走向太空的伦理问题研究
目 录
导 论
第1章 人类太空探索的历程
1.1 何谓太空?
1.1.1 相关概念的界定
1.1.2 太空探索的动机
1.1.3 太空探索的新使命
1.1.4 太空伦理学的学科语境
1.2 太空探索的若干技术手段
1.2.1 运载火箭
1.2.2 卫星
1.2.3 空间站
1.2.4 深空探测器
1.3 未来太空探索的趋势
1.3.1 月球、火星资源的开发
1.3.2 外星环境地球化的萌芽
1.3.3 人类太空探索的风险性
第2章 太空探索的生命伦理问题
2.1 人类宇航员的生命伦理问题
2.1.1 宇航员面临的心理风险
2.1.2 宇航员面临的身体风险
2.2 动物宇航员的生命伦理问题
2.2.1 动物宇航员的现状
2.2.2 反动动物太空实验的伦理观
2.2.3 赞成动物太空实验的伦理观
第3章 太空探索的环境伦理问题
3.1 太空的环境伦理观
3.1.1 大地伦理及其对太空伦理的借鉴意义
3.1.2 环境美德伦理及其对太空伦理的借鉴意义
3.2 地球环境与太空环境的界定
3.2.1 两种环境观的趋同性
3.2.2 两种环境观的相异性
3.3 太空环境污染问题
3.3.1 地球污染问题对未来太空探索的警示
3.3.2 关于太空环境治理的国际共识
3.3.3 太空碎片及其它环境污染问题
第4章 太空探索的政治军事伦理问题
4.1 地缘政治的延伸
4.1.1 从地球到太空
4.1.2 太空成为人类的新领域
4.2 国际竞争与国际合作
4.2.1 太空成为国际竞争对象的必然性
4.2.2 在对抗与对话中保持必要的张力
4.3 太空军事化及其风险规避
4.3.1 太空军事化的现状
4.3.2 太空军事化对环境的影响
4.3.3 太空军事化及其风险规避
第5章 太空探索的若干应用伦理问题
5.1 未来的太空新行业
5.1.1 地球资源的新应用
5.1.2 非地球资源的应用
5.1.3 新行业带来的新问题
5.2 太空旅游
5.2.1 太空旅游的现状
5.2.2 太空旅游面临的风险问题
5.3 小行星开采的伦理问题
5.3.1 小行星开采的现状
5.3.2 小行星开采的伦理问题
5.3.3 对小行星开采的辩护
5.4 太空保护的哲学及实践层面
5.4.1 太空保护的哲学层面
5.4.2 太空保护的实践层面
5.4.3 树立可持续的太空发展观
摘 要
本论文从第1章到第5章之间有紧密的联系,它们都与 “环境”有关系,都是太空伦理学研究所需要解决的问题。然而,有的问题人类现在就可以解决,如太空污染问题,可以及时采取有利措施。而如太空旅游引发的伦理争议,因为这是个新兴的产业,目前还未找到合适的解决办法。目前,人类对太空的开发只关注太空给人类带来的好处,很少考虑背后潜在的风险问题。因此,如何在哲学层面对太空进行保护是很有必要的。本文可能会对某一现象提出不同的问题,但不会对这些问题进行详细的解答,只针对有代表性的问题进行分析解答,由于现有的技术手段和知识还无法对所有的问题进行解答,但随着人类太空探索技术手段越来越先进,以及人类思维能力的不断加强,有的问题在随后可以得到解决。本论文所提到的问题,将为人类未来的太空开发起到抛砖引玉的作用。
The core issues explored in this paper are: How is space possible as an ethical issue? What are the principles followed by space ethics? Through theoretical and practical analysis of space exploration and development, four principles of space ethics are drawn: (1) the principle of integrity; (2) the principle of freedom and fairness; (3) the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities; and (4) the principle of sustainable development. In a broad sense, these principles are applicable to the whole process of space development, but although the protective principle, for example, has not been put forward directly, it runs through the whole process of space development. Therefore, these principles need to be applied flexibly according to different contexts.
Starting with the introduction and systematic review of the literature at home and abroad, the paper shows that space ethics mainly focuses on bioethics issues, environmental ethics issues, political and military ethics issues and some applied ethics issues, but it is not limited to these aspects.
Chapter 1:The History of Human Space Exploration. What is space? Firstly, the concepts of space, ethics and space ethics are defined. Space ethics consists of a wide range of issues, such as the issues of bioethics, environmental ethics, military ethics and so on. With the help of several technological means of space exploration, human beings use space technology to solve the problems they encounter in the process of space exploration. The trend of space exploration in the future is to ensure the greatest benefit for all mankind while fully exploiting the abundant resources of space.
Chapter 2:Bioethics Issues in Space Exploration. This paper focuses on the psychological and physical problems faced by human astronauts in space and the bioethical problems faced by animal astronauts when they enter space. Is there a moral relationship between human beings and animals? What are the human obligations to animals (if any)? What is the moral status of animals? Do animals have the right to exist, and if so, should humans protect them? When it triggers ethical conflicts that human astronauts and animal astronauts enter space, can robots be used instead of both?
Chapter 3:Environmental Ethics Issues in Space Exploration. It focuses on environmental ethics in the process of space exploration. Firstly, the paper defines the concepts of the earth environment and the space environment, and discusses the similarities and differences between them. It makes in-depth discussion around “Is space an environment?” Supporters believe that space is an environment because it is related to human well-being. Opponents argue that space cannot be regarded as an environment. Because there is no life in space, there is no need to give moral care. The author believes that, first of all, the space environment is precious. It represents freedom and provides infinite imagination for human beings. Secondly, the environmental ethics principle of space development is based on land ethics and environmental virtue ethics. Finally, in the process of space development, space pollution, nuclear pollution and other phenomena have emerged. It is worth pondering how to solve the pollution and keep risks to a minimum. The space environment will clearly focus on the possibility that space assets may be threatened by orbital debris and near-Earth objects, especially the occurrence of asteroid impacts on Earth. The emerging orbital debris problem due to the increase in human space activities will also be discussed.
Chapter 4 :Political and Military Ethics Issues in Space Exploration. It focuses on the political and military ethics in space exploration. With the development of space technology, the area of human race has expanded from land, ocean and sky to outer space, that is, the extension from “land power” to “air power”. With the right to control the air, it will be able to reveal the mystery of space unimpededly, and take the lead in exploiting and utilizing the wealth of space, so as to enhance national economic strength, scientific and technological strength and military strength. With the right to control the air, it will be conducive to the development of the power of space weapons. Space exists as a unique medium in space power, and the essence of space power is to use or threaten space systems for political purposes. At present, the major space powers are competing to develop space weapons and deploy related weapons in space for the sake of national security. In order to prevent the militarization of space, the international community has formulated a series of space treaties. For the irresponsible practices of a few countries, a responsible trust mechanism should be established to safeguard the existing space legal mechanism.
Chapter 5: Several Applied Ethics Issues in Space Exploration. Resources from space are widely used in the process of human development. Traditional medicine, material processing, agricultural breeding and tourism are imported into space for the development of new industries. The wide application of earth resources and non-earth resources has brought convenience to human space exploration. In this paper, space applications are focused on space tourism and asteroid mining. Space tourism breaks through the bottleneck of traditional tourism development, but in the special space environment, it will also trigger a series of risk issues. In the future, asteroid mining will make up for the shortage of the earth's resources, but asteroid mining also triggers a debate on human ethics. Is it to maintain the status of asteroids or to develop them? All these questions deserve deep consideration.
It seems that the chapters from 1 to 5 are closely related. They are all related to the “environment”, and they are all the issues that need to be solved in the study of space ethics. However, some problems can be solved by human beings now, such as space pollution, and favorable measures can be taken in time. Others, for example, the ethical controversy caused by space tourism, because it is a new industry, have not yet found a suitable solution. At present, human beings only pay attention to the benefits of space to human beings, and rarely consider the potential risks behind it. Therefore, how to protect space at the philosophical level is very necessary. This paper may raise different questions about a certain phenomenon, but it will not give detailed answers to these questions. It will only analyze and answer representative questions. The existing technical means and knowledge cannot answer all the questions. However, as the technical means of human space exploration become more advanced and the ability of human thinking continues to strengthen, some questions can be solved later. The problems mentioned in this paper will play a certain role in the future space development of mankind.
Key words: space; space ethics; community with shared future for in space; community with shared future for in mankind ; ethical reflection