题 目:对机器技术过度扩张的人文反思
答 辩 人:赵俊海
指导老师:刘大椿 教授
目 录
导 论
1. 研究背景
2. 研究方法
3. 文献综述
第1章 机器的由来和机器社会的形成
1.1 机器的概念分析及其发展历程
1.1.1 “机器”概念分析
1.1.2 机器的起源和本质追问
1.1.3 机器和工具的区分
1.1.4 机器和技术的区分
1.2 机器时代的来临和对机器的态度
1.2.1 机器时代的来临:钟表引发的革命
1.2.2 对待机器的几种态度
1.3 现代文明患上了“机器病”
第2章 工业机器与工人的“异化”
2.1 工业社会的意识形态:工业主义
2.1.1 “工业主义”概念分析
2.1.2 工业主义的三个条件
2.1.3 工业主义的特征
2.1.4 工业主义在中国
2.2 工人的机器化:工业主义进程中的灵与肉
2.2.1 机器占有和控制人
2.2.2 机器损害人的身体和心理健康
2.2.3 机器降格人
第3章 信息机器侵入人的精神世界
3.1 信息社会、信息机器和信息主义的盛行
3.1.1 信息社会及其形成
3.1.2 信息机器简史
3.1.3 信息社会的意识形态:信息主义
3.2 对信息机器上瘾与数字化生存的困境
3.2.2 信息机器上瘾
3.2.3 信息过剩与注意力聚焦困难症
3.2.4 “恶信息”的罪恶:以百度搜索为例
3.2.5 信息焦虑与碎片化阅读
第4章 智能机器与人的存在性危机
4.1 智能社会的来临与第三次机器革命
4.1.1 智能、人工智能与智能机器
4.1.2 智能社会和智能主义
4.2 人的存在性危机:机器人带来的“近忧”与“远虑”
4.2.1 机器人革命(一):机器人在工作上对人的替代
4.2.2 机器人革命(二):机器人会造反或收买人类吗?
4.2.3 人工智能可怕吗?从奇点理论与超级智能机器谈起
第5章 结论
5.1 机器文明演化三部曲
5.2 机器起源于实用功能和镜像功能
5.3 对机器的恐惧是一种永恒性的技术恐惧
5.4 人与机器渐向融合
附 录 研究生期间科研情况
致 谢
摘 要
This paper mainly studies the relationship between man and machines since the industrial revolution. In the context of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things, the impact of machines on man is becoming an issue that should not be ignored. This study has both theoretical and practical significance. In theory, it can help us understand the role of machines in the social evolution from a historical and philosophical perspective, as well as machines’ profound impact on human life. In practice, it also helps us have a better understanding of the current “artificial intelligence fever,” since intelligent machines should not be viewed with a promising nor hesitant attitude.
The first chapter focuses on what is “machine” and how the machine society is formed. This paper discusses machines on two different scales, a more comprehensive level and a more narrowly defined level of machines. The narrowly defined machines are divided into industrial machines, information machines, and intelligent machines. This paper takes clock as the beginning of the machine age, and next discusses the transformation of man’ attitude towards machines: mental rejection - behavioral destruction – ambitious advocation – inseparable dependency, and glorification of machines. Regarding the influence of the machines, which is not only the extension or imitation of the human body, but also the extension, imitation, and transcendence of human intelligence. Since humans have been heavily depending on machines, modern society suffers from a social disease called “machine disease.”
The second chapter discusses the alienation effect of industrial machines on laborer since the Industrial Revolution. The first section discusses the ideology of industrial society; industrialism, from the perspectives of the concept, conditions, characteristics, and global transplantation of industrialism. The second section discusses the mechanization of the laborers, the possession and control of laborers by machines, the physical and mental illness of laborers, and the degradation of laborers.
The third chapter analyzes how the information machines invade and control the human spiritual world. The first section sorts out the emergence and popularity of the information society: information machines, and informationalism. The second section discusses the five survival dilemmas arising in the information age in detail, namely (a) the entertainment function of information machines; (b) Homo Ludens as a part of human nature; (c) information machine addiction; (d) information overload and the focus of attention problem; (e) sin of “bad information”, taking Baidu as an example; (f) information anxiety and fragmented reading.
The fourth chapter discusses human potential existential crisis caused by intelligent machines. The first section describes the advent of the intelligent society and the third machine revolution, including the concept of intelligence, artificial intelligence, and intelligent machines. The section also introduces the concept of intelligent society and its ideology. The second section analyzes the potential existential crisis brought by robots, that is, robots substituting human and rebelling (or burying) humans. In the end, the paper also tries to answer whether we should fear artificial intelligence or not.
The fifth chapter is a conclusion based on the detailed discussions on modern machines in the above four chapters. Firstly, machine civilization can be divided into three steps, namely the age of industrial machines, the age of information machines, and the age of intelligent machines. Secondly, the origin of machine can be interpreted from the perspective of practical purpose and mirroring function. Thirdly, this article argues that the fear of machines is a perpetual technical issue. Lastly, this article believes that man and machines are gradually merging together.
Key Words: Industrial Machine; Information Machine; Intelligent Machine; Overextension; Humanities Reflection