题 目:现代社会技术化的哲学反思
答 辩 人:宋 洁
目 录
0.2 文献综述
0.3 论文框架
0.4 论文的创新点及意义
第1章 现代社会技术化的生发场域
1.1 社会技术与社会技术化
1.1.1 追问社会技术
1.1.2 作为技术的“社会技术”
1.1.3 社会技术系统
1.1.4 从“有序社会”到“技术社会”
1.2 现代社会技术化的内部机理
1.3 现代社会技术化的社会条件
1.3.1 社会的分化
1.3.2 社会的科层化
1.3.3 社会的法治化
1.3.4 经济的货币化
第2章 现代社会技术化的历史演进
2.1 起步阶段
2.1.1 自然技术基础:蒸汽技术
2.1.2 生产组织形态:工厂
2.1.3 生产流程形态:工厂制
2.2 建制化时期
2.2.1 自然技术基础:电力技术
2.2.2 生产组织形态:垄断组织
2.2.3 生产流程形态:泰勒制、福特制
2.3 全球化时代
2.3.1 自然技术基础:信息技术
2.3.2 生产组织形态:跨国公司
2.3.3 生产流程形态:温特制
2.4 智能时代
2.4.1 自然技术基础:智能技术
2.4.2 生产组织形态:智能工厂
2.4.3 生产流程形态:个性化订制
第3章 现代社会技术化的多重效应
3.1 现代社会技术化的合理性
3.1.1 社会技术对自然技术的规范
3.1.2 社会技术对人的全面塑造
3.1.3 现代社会技术化助力社会现代化
3.2 风险社会的来临
3.2.1 风险社会
3.2.2 技术风险:技术预测和技术应用的二律背反
3.2.3 信息泄漏
3.2.4 信任危机
3.3 人的技术化生存
3.3.1 信息爆炸:选择的焦虑
3.3.2 无处不在的“摄像头”:被规训的肉体
3.3.3 技术人or机器人:人类思维的技术化
第4章 现代社会技术化的文化调适
4.1 伦理调适
4.1.1 从“以道驭术”到“道术冲突”
4.1.2 “道术协同”的可能性:技术的社会建构性
4.1.3 技术工作者的责任:负责任创新
4.2 法律规约
4.2.1 伦理与效率的结合:以生命技术法律的颁布为例
4.2.2 科技政策的法律化
4.2.3 技术伦理的法律化
4.3 教育体系的完善
4.3.1 构建终身教育
4.3.2 重视职业教育
4.4 现代人的文化重塑
4.4.1 直面人之为人之“思”
4.4.2 构建人类生态化生存
4.4.3 恢复人的文化性
5.1 现代社会技术化追求高效和精确
5.2 现代社会技术化造成了技术与文化的冲突
5.3 现代社会技术化中社会技术与自然技术发展失衡
5.4 技术文化系统的建构:以媒介技术为例
摘 要
As a social operation mode, social technicalization began at the birth of human society. However, in that period, it was established on the basis of traditional technology, and its development was slow and low, without forming a scientific and stable system. The outbreak of the industrial revolution accelerated this process. On the basis of the rapid development of modern technology, the degree of social technicalization was significantly enhanced and entered the stage of modern social technicalization. Modern social technicalization is mainly manifested in two aspects: First, the operation and development of modern society highly rely on technology, technology is in the dominant position in society; Secondly, social technology is becoming more rational and perfect. Society operates in a technical way, which is more efficient and orderly than any previous society. It has become the focus of many social problems while promoting social development. This paper focus on the modern society since the industrial revolution, on the basis of widely absorbing domestic and foreign related research, and stand in the height of philosophical reflection on the process, place it in the perspective of technology philosophy, economics, sociology and other theories. This paper attempts to depict environment and condition of modern social technicalization. Through the exploration of its internal operation to demonstrate its rationality and analyze its derivative effect, At last, tries to find the way to adjust the modern social technology from the two aspects: remolding of cultural environment and the improvement of social technology.
The first chapter mainly explain the environment and condition of modern social technicalization. Social technicalization develops continuously on the basis of continuous improvement of social technology system. Its development has gone through two stages: orderly society and technical society. Modern technological society follows a certain rule of evolution and forms different paths and modes in the process of development and diffusion. Society operates in a technological way, reflects the pursuit of efficiency and accuracy. The differentiation of social functions, bureaucratic management, legalization of the system and the monetization of the economy have become the social condition that maintains technicalization of modern society.
The second chapter reviews the historical evolution of modern social technicailization. The modern social technicalization is based on modern technology, its development has experienced the initial stage, the establishment period, the globalization era and the intellectualization era. Based on different technologies, construct the form of production organization and production process in the economic field. Socio-technical systems in the economic sphere have been extended to other social with success, so as to shape different era of social technicaliztion outlook.
The third chapter mainly analyze the effects of social technicalization. Modern social technicalization is based on modern technology and follow certain technical rules to build, operate in accordance with certain technical concepts. It is more orderly and efficient than any previous society. The convenience brought by modern social technicalization can be directly felt by individuals in this era. But it is a complex process, it also dericed a series of negative effects. It is mainly manifested in two spects: the coming of risk society and the technical problem of human being. Risk society is a new stage of modernity, the existence of technical riak is not only the cause of its arrival, but also constitutes the basic characteristics of this society. The problem of human technicalization is mainly manifested in the highly developed information media, people are lost in the flood of information and suffer from anxiety caused by information selection. Ubiqution cameras place human behavior in a technological context, become a disciplined body. With the progress of intelligent technology and the deepening of people’s materialization, the dependence on technology leads to the increasingly technical thinking.
The fourth chapter mainly explore the culture accommodation of modern social
technicalization. The derivative effect in the process of social technicalization is mainly brought by the excessive expansion of technical rationality. In the process of technological rationality, caused the conflict between technology and culture. Therefore, it is an inevitable choice to explore the adaptation of modern social technology from the perspective of culture. It needs to be carried out from the four aspects: ethical accommodation, legal regulation, improvement of education system, culture remodeling of people.
Key words: social technology; social technicalization; risk society;
technological people; cultural accommodation.