题 目:任鸿隽推进中国科学文化的理念与实践研究
答 辩 人:马保玉
指导老师:王鸿生 教授
目 录
导 论
0.1 选题的缘由
0.2 文献综述
0.2.2 国外研究状况
0.3 选题的意义
0.4 研究思路及论文框架
0.5 研究方法
0.6 创新点
第1章 任鸿隽的求学经历与思想形成
1.1 任鸿隽的求学经历
1.1.1 任鸿隽留日前微薄的理科基础
1.1.2 革命支配下的留日学习
1.1.3 留美期间迟来的理科教育
1.2 任鸿隽的思想形成
1.2.1 走进科学殿堂
1.2.2 始知科学面目
1.2.3 任鸿隽的科学救国之梦
第2章 任鸿隽归国初期科学救国的不同路径
2.1 与任鸿隽同期的多条科学人生道路
2.1.1 出国前及留学经历的对比
2.1.2 回国初期奋斗的对比
2.2 中国科学社生物研究所与黄海化学研究社的不同
2.2.1 生物研究所与黄海化学研究社的诞生
2.2.2 生物研究所的窘境
2.2.3 永久黄团体的奋斗成效
2.3.1 立足国情的《留美学生季报》
2.3.2 立足科学的《科学》杂志
2.3.3 《科学》杂志读者群的错误定位
第3章 从美英科学社团的发展路径看任鸿隽的事业
3.1 与富兰克林学会的对比
3.1.1 美国富兰克林学会成立之初的社会环境
3.1.2 中国科学社回国之初的社会环境
3.1.3 中国科学社定位的偏差
3.2 与英国皇家学会的对比
3.2.1 英国皇家学会的发展
3.2.2 中国科学社归国时的社会需求
3.2.3 中国科学社事倍功半的症结所在
3.3 中国科学社年会分析
3.3.1 年会与学术交流
3.3.2 年会定位的偏差
3.3.3 年会失败的根源
第4章 任鸿隽在中学理科教材本土化方面的失误
4.1 民初中国的科学教材状况
4.1.1 国内教科书的本土化要求
4.1.2 任鸿隽对中学理科教科书的忽视
4.2 任鸿隽关于教科书的基本观点
4.2.1 不在奋斗日程的中学理科教科书
4.2.2 责无旁贷的科学名词翻译
4.3 任鸿隽忽视张相文前车之鉴
4.3.1 张相文的成功与失败
4.3.2 张相文的失败原由
4.3.3 没有接住张相文的接力棒
4.4 自编中学理科教科书背后的哲学思考
4.4.1 截流与净化的选择
4.4.2 自编教科书必要性和可能性的思考
第5章 任鸿隽对人格独立与学术自由的追求
5.1 观战东南大学
5.1.1 郭秉文失败的缘由
5.1.2 郭秉文与任鸿隽之异同
5.2 任鸿隽试剑四川大学
5.2.1 未理解校长的真实使命
5.2.2 开场白就注定失败
5.2.3 折戟四川大学
5.3 游刃有余中基会
5.3.1 中基会中如鱼得水
5.3.2 胡适助推任鸿隽乘风破浪
5.4 建国后任鸿隽事业的挽歌
5.4.1 “大剪刀”下的任鸿隽
5.4.2 任鸿隽的事业失去发展空间
第6章 任鸿隽的科学文化观透析
6.1 任鸿隽对西方科学文化的认识
6.1.1 三代学人对西方科学的认识
6.1.2 任鸿隽的科学文化观
6.1.3 任鸿隽对培根和归纳法的过高赞誉
6.1.4 任鸿隽推崇归纳法之缘由
6.2 任鸿隽对中国科学文化认识的误区
6.2.1 古代中国人的认知方式略考
6.2.2 中国科学文化的缓慢转型
6.3 任鸿隽科学主义思想剖析
6.3.1 《科学》发刊词中的科学主义
6.3.2 《科学》发刊词后的科学主义思想延续
6.3.3 科玄论战中的任鸿隽
6.3.4 任鸿隽科学主义思想评价
6.4.2 任鸿隽科学救国的误区
致 谢
摘 要
Since the Self-Strengthening Movement, the Chinese intelligentsia's knowledge and understanding of science have experienced in three phases: technology, knowledge, and spirit. By the early 1920s, we could say that we had just completed the transition from technology to knowledge, and still need for a spiritual understanding of science. As a significant figure in the history of modern Chinese science and culture, Hongjun Ren started the development of China’s scientific and cultural spread career in this period. Therefore, Hongjun Ren's career is to help China's intelligentsia realize the second transition - the transition from the knowledge phase to the spiritual phase.
Ren Hongjun was influenced by Poincare and treated the pursuit of truth as the goal of scientific activities. He believes that this is what scientists should pursue and practice. He did not choose to become a scientist to do professional scientific research but to spread the scientific spirit science and culture in China, and tried his best to integrate Western science to China, to achieve its ideal of "scientific salvation". In another way, his spread of scientific spirit and cultural is under the belief of scientific salvation. He achieved remarkable accomplishemnt and produced important influence which makes him undoubtedly one of China's most important broadcasters of scientific spirit and bearers of scientific culture in the 1920s.
However, from the overall perspective of China's development. HongJun Ren also took a detour in spreading the scientific spirit、advancing science and culture, and practicing his scientific ideal of saving the country. Especially, he only chose an elitist way: the establishment of the China Science Society, founded the journal "Science" and published scientific papers. His practice just limited in the intellectual circle and did not respond to the urgent scientific and technological needs of Chinese society at that time, he also failed to use the power of government to promote the ideals of society which makes it impossible for the career that he struggled with to flourish with the trend. Although he did a lot of work at that time, he was still a highly qualified and scientific propagandist. His promotion of China's scientific and cultural career has manifested obvious limitations.
In fact, in the 1920s China has just gone through the abolition of the imperial examination system in 1905 and the 1911 Revolution. The whole country had consistently recognized that the traditional imperial examination education is a major cause of a series of political and military failures in the late Qing Dynasty in China and the new education system was being built. However, at the beginning of the new school system, Hongjun Ren did not choose to write science textbooks to advance the education of science. In addition, he did not devote himself to supporting industries which urgently needed for development at that time. In a certain sense, Hongjun Ren promoted his ideal of “scientific salvation” but avoided the two current trends of “rejuvenating the country by education” and “save the country by industry” . This has caused his career lost the supports. The activities of"China Science Society" cannot find a support from society which makes some basic work he has done to advance science and culture has also become unpratical.
The research on Hongjun Ren, the academic circle is currently focusing on its influence and “successful” aspect, especially the “China Science Society” led by him which were seen as pioneers of promoting science and culture in China, but there is nobody talked about the limitations of his career , especially from the perspective of the overall situation of the Chinese society at that time, as well as Hongjun Ren 's understanding and practical ability. The purpose of this article is to fully affirm Hongjun Ren 's and his leadership of the China Science Society under the premise of China's promotion of scientific and historical achievements, from the perspective of social effects, research and evaluation of Hongjun Ren, trying to reveal the failure of him . The contents of the discussion included his career direction and path selection, knowledge base, personal character, and issues such as failure to learn from the successes and failures of previous generations.
The main sections of this thesis are as follows:
Chapter 1 Discusses Hongjun Ren 's experience in studying and his thought. Hongjun Ren 's choice of concept and practice path for promoting science and culture is closely related to his understanding of science and his personal aspirations which determine his research. His research experience and thought are the starting of this paper.
Chapter 2 Compares the different ways of " Scientific Salvation " at the beginning of his return to China. At that time, take some examples ,such as Figures (i.e.Hou Debang), scientific research institutions (i.e.Huanghai Research Society), and publications (the quarterly student quarterly report for the United States), etc, Hongjun Ren and the Institute of Biological Sciences of China Science Society under his leadership. The editor of" Science" , the editor-in-chief, etc. From the comparison to understand Hongjun Ren’s category in the international student community and to get the orientation of “China Science Society” and “Science”. There is a basic evaluation of his ideas and practice of promoting scientific and cultural advancement.
Chapter 3 Analyses the Hongjun Ren’s career from the development of the American and British scientific association. Here is a general point, that is, all the ups and downs encountered by Hongjun Ren in pushing forward science and culture are mainly due to the differences of Chinese and Western cultures. That is to say, the flowers of science rooted in the West are not acceptable to China's land. But the problem is not so simple. In fact, during the development of the Franklin Institute and the Royal Society of the United States, both the development of the scientific career and the actual needs of the country’s social development can be combined to achieve a win-win situation. The author believes that the biggest mistake made by Hongjun Ren in promoting scientific and cultural path is that he had not combined the China Science and Society with the actual needs of the Chinese society at that time. Because of his mistakes, China Science and Technology Society had been so hard ,lacking of funds and social understanding in the development process. Its effectiveness in disseminating science and culture has been greatly limited.
Chapter 4 Mainly discusses that HongJun Ren attaches importance to scientific propaganda but ignores practical science education. Hongjun Ren did not organize the members of the scientific community to middle school do part-time jobs. Through the teaching practice to understood the students' knowledge structure and language expression habits. He didn’t not do some scientific terminology translation and compile science textbooks that students could easily accept. This has always been an extremely important task for non-university students because it requires a certain level of scientific knowledge and English. Doing this job can produce social benefits and economic returns. From the overall perspective of the development of science and culture in China, the Chinese Science Society could give middle school students in the 1920s a good science education, and the appearance of Chinese science in the 1930s will be completely new. But this is not the case. It also makes Hongjun Ren in an awkward position who has always shook the flag for science. Ren Hongjun 's mistakes in this respect also lie in his failure to seriously investigate the successes and failures of his predecessors in China after his returning to China, especially not summing up the successful experience of Xiangwen Zhang, failing to learn the failure of China’s Earth Assocoation, and failing to accept the overseas students’ idea of accepting Western science.
Chapter 5 Discusses Hongjun Ren 's pursuit of personality independence and academic freedom, and then fully understand the personality traits that he lacks in the practical work. Specifically analyzing his experience in Southeast University, Sichuan University, the China Foundation, and the founding of the People's Republic of China. It shows that Ren Hongjun can only play his talents in an independent and free state. As a social activist, he has a low level of emotional intelligence. He only works in a scientific spirit and will not be flexible with changes in the environment. This in many cases is not conducive to promoting science and culture.
Chapter 6 Analyzes Hongjun Ren’s scientific and cultural outlook, and believes that HongJun Ren’s understanding of Chinese science and culture is too superficial. His understanding of Western science and culture is also biased, especially overemphasized contribution of induction and Bacon’s contribution to Western science. There is even a certain belief of "scientific universalism" in his research. Of course, this is not a problem of Hongjun Ren alone. It is a common problem for early overseas students. However, HongJun Ren is particularly obvious. Therefore, Ren Hongjun was also a representative of scientism in China at that time. In addition, like we see Shi Hu as the flag bearer of the New Culture Movement, the academic community associates "saving the country by science" with Hongjun Ren. Therefore, this chapter ended up in an analysis of Hongjun Ren’s ideal of “saving the country by science”, pay attention to the voice of China’s science to save the country before the establishment of China Science Society, and discussed the mistakes that Hongjun Ren do in advancing science to save the country. For instance, Hongjun Ren did not receive the relay of Lan Zhaoqian, but set up a new way and talk to save the country but do nothing. In general he failed to play the role of science in saving the country.
Keywords: Ren Hongjun; Scientific Culture; Belief and Practice; Scientific Salvation;