绪 论 1
0.1 论文选题及选题意义 1
0.1.1 论文选题 1
0.1.2 选题意义 2
0.2 文献综述 4
0.2.1国内研究综述 4
0.2.2国外研究状况 8
0.3 研究方法和创新点 10
0.3.1 研究方法 10
0.3.2创新点 12
第1章 科学与牟宗三早年学思历程 14
1.1科学的时代呼声与科学主义 15
1.1.1 要求科学、民主成为时代课题 15
1.1.2 “科学主义”思潮 16
1.2 牟宗三早年的学术探索 20
1.2.1 现代新儒家与科学派的不足 20
1.2.2 独立的运思,接受西方哲学训练 22
1.2.3 架构的思辨,接上西方文化传统 25
1.3熊十力对牟宗三科学观的影响 27
本章小结 30
第2章 牟宗三对西方科学源流的反思 32
2.1从古希腊传统到现代自然科学的发展 32
2.1.1 中西文化观念的差异 32
2.1.2 古希腊开启“学之为学“的科学传统 33
2.1.3 “化质归量”的现代自然科学 37
2.2理性之架构表现与科学精神 40
2.2.1 理性之架构表现与概念的心灵 41
2.2.2 知性的逻辑性格与形式科学 42
2.2.3 “化质归量”的自然科学 45
2.3无体、无力、无理的现代科学 48
2.3.1 论“无体、无力、无理” 49
2.3.2 批评“向所而驱”的西方科学哲学传统 50
2.3.3 “归能而逆”:为科学寻求实践的安顿 51
本章小结 52
第3章 牟宗三对中国科学无而能有的思考 54
3.1羲和传统与中国古代科学 54
3.1.1 中国有无科学的争论 55
3.1.2 “羲和传统”:中国的科学传统 56
3.1.3 中国存在发展出科学的可能 58
3.2中国没有科学的深层文化原因 60
3.2.1 “仁”的文化系统对“智”的统摄 61
3.2.2 政治文化对学术文化的统驭 64
3.3内圣开出新外王:科学在中国如何无而能有 67
3.3.1 科学是“共法”,无中西之别 68
3.3.2 “良知坎陷”开出知性主体 68
3.3.3 科学从政治权力的统驭中解放出来 71
本章小结 75
第4章 牟宗三中西会通的科学观 76
4.1 智的直觉与两层存有论 77
4.1.1 康德未能充分证成现象和物自身 78
4.1.2 智的直觉如何可能 79
4.1.3 两层存有论 82
4.2 科学与良知坎陷 83
4.2.1 科学的本质是识心之执 84
4.2.2 “良知坎陷论”的阶段发展 87
4.2.3 良知与科学的深层关系 95
4.3 “三统并建”的现代文明 98
4.3.1 开出学统以求科学的独立 98
4.3.2 认识政统以求政治之客观架构 99
4.3.3 继续道统以守护道德的理想主义 101
本章小结 103
第5章 牟宗三科学观的定位 104
5.1 科学观在牟宗三思想体系中的地位 104
5.1.1 对牟宗三哲学过往研究的不足 104
5.1.2 牟宗三科学观的“半边天”地位 105
5.2 牟宗三科学观在中国科学哲学史上的地位 107
5.2.1 科学哲学史的研究视域 107
5.2.2 中国科学哲学史的起点和流派 110
5.2.3 基于中国文化立场的科学观 113
5.3 牟宗三科学观的结构与局限 115
5.3.1 牟宗三科学观的结构 115
5.3.2 牟宗三科学观的局限 121
结 语 125
参考文献 128
致 谢 137
博士在读期间论文发表情况 140
Mou zongsan is the representative figure of the contemporary New Confucians. Because of the label of "New Confucian", academic circles tend to focus on his system of the contemporary new Confucianism, but neglect the dynamic source contributing to his philosophical thinking and the whole learning process. According to the review of Mou Zongsan in his late year, he had always reflected on a problem through his whole life, that is how to open new kingliness from inner sageliness in the direction of Chinese culture. He went into both Chinese and western cultural traditions, so as to realize the merging of them. From the aspects of China, it needs a great synthesis, which would involve absorbing the Western traditions of science and liberal democracy. Obviously, the philosophy of Mou zongsan is to deal with the contemporary issues put forward in the May fourth New Culture Movement, which requires science and democracy. Science takes the half proportion of the philosophy of Mou Zongsan. In this paper, I will research on the systematic reflections on Mou Zongsan’s thinking of science.
This thesis has five chapters except the introduction.
The introduction mainly discusses the basis and significance of selected topic, as well as the literature review and research methods, and introduces the innovation of this paper.
The first chapter mainly introduces the cultural background of Mou Zongsan's thinking of science and the characteristics of his early academic research. I will point out that thinking of science is the beginning of philosophical thinking of Mou Zongsan. Mou zongsan dissatisfied with the impetuous atmosphere of his time, and decided to go deep into the tradition of western culture which gives birth to science. Xiong Shili took Mou zongsan into the deep of Chinese culture. In his early academic career, Mou zongsan has set up the ambition to realize the synthesis between Chinese and western culture. From his learning and thinking course, he went with two parallel line, but there was the point in each period. He researched on western philosophy firstly, then Chinese theory of “cultivating himself”, at last the merging of Chinese and western tradition.
The second chapter mainly introduces Mou Zongsan’s understanding of western science. He thinks that the culture of the western culture is typical of intellectual system. From the ancient Greek, there has emerged the independent development of intellect, they owns conceptual mind which is to the deep cultural cause of science. From Mou Zongsan, Science is along with the reveal of the cognitive subject. But from the ancient Greek rational science to modern natural science typical of "quality to quantity", there is a step of the "negation" which is nothing wrong. In the later development, natural science appears with "no body(wu ti无体), no power(wuli无力) and no reason(wuli无理)". Mou Zongsan treats it corrupted. So mou zongsan finds the limits of the development of western science, science need trace back to the source of practice, then it can avoid the disadvantage of scientism.
The third chapter mainly introduces Mou Zongsan’s views on whether China had science. Mou Zongsan thinks China has its own scientific tradition, namely "Xi-he tradition". However, government experts turned to be the Yin-yang school after they left from the government. "Xi-he tradition" characterized with "beginning to use, and eventually also for use", eventually failed to become science. But xihe tradition suggests the possibility that China could develope science. However, there has deep cultural reasons for China without science. On the one hand, Chinese culture is the system of Ren(仁), intellectual form of wisdom is subject to the intuitional form, and has no chance of independent development; On the other hand, Academic culture is under the control of political culture, also cannot be free. Science is the function of cognitive. There is no diference between China and the West. Then how science can be developed under the background of China, the answer of Mou Zongsan is "inner sageliness opens new outer kingliness". The key here is to turn up the independent intellectual subject from Chinese culture, that means science need rid out of burdens from morals and politics. For this reason, he put forward the doctrine of Pay Equal Attention to three Orthodoxies.
The fourth chapter mainly introduces the Mou Zongsan's thinking of science from the merging of Chinese and western tradition. After two stages, "West to China", he tries to realize the merging of Chinese and western tradition with Kant philosophy as his medium. From Chinese tradition, he thinks that people can have intellectual intuition, and people are limited and unlimited, therefore he justifies moral metaphysic, and claims two layers of ontology, the ontology of noumenon and the ontology of phenomenon. Cognitive is from self-negation of conscience. So he justifies the independent status of science in the phenomenon world, also give a rational settle for science. Namely, science is from self-negation of conscience. The theory of self-negation of conscience has a process of development, from "negation" to "open", then to "ontology". Mou zongsan puts science the doctrine of Pay Equal Attention to three Orthodoxies.
The fifth chapter mainly discusses the position of Mou Zongsan's thinking of science. Mou Zongsan’s thinking of science takes half part position in the whole philosophical system of him and has great significance in the history of Chinese philosophy of science. In general, Mou Zongsan’s thinking of science takes “open new kingliness from inner sageliness” as cultural mission, with the dimidiate structue of virtue and intellect, the clue of “open academic tradition” and “ take intellect into virtue”, and takes the doctrine of Pay Equal Attention to Orthodoxies as the destination. However, Mou Zongsan’s science also exists obvious limitations, characterized by: 1, essentialism tendency; 2, lack of sympathy for the development of western philosophy of science; 3, lack of operation steps in practice. But to be fair, Mou Zongsan’s thinking of science tries to put reason in human civilization into the long river of Chinese cultural life so as to promote the rational degree of Chinese civilization, which still has realistic significance nowadays.
Key words: Mou Zongsan; thinking of Science; history of philosophy of science; the Contemporary New Confucianism