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 PSTRUC 2018年国际暑期课程:研讨技术哲学与人工智能
  作者:PST    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2018-7-20    







Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction to Philosophical Thinking

Peter Kroes



彼特·克罗斯是荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)技术哲学的荣誉教授,1974年获物理学工程学位,并于1982在奈梅亨大学(University of Nijmegen)完成有关物理学理论上的时间概念的博士论文。克罗斯教授主要面向工程学生教授科学技术哲学和技术伦理课程。他在技术哲学方面的研究侧重于技术工程和工程设计的性质,社会技术系统的建模和技术知识的性质。

Peter Kroes is emeritus professor in Philosophy of Technology at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He has an engineering degree in physics (1974) and wrote a PhD thesis on the notion of time in physical theories (University of Nijmegen, 1982). He has been teaching courses in Philosophy of Science and Technology and Ethics of Technology, mainly for engineering students. His research in Philosophy of Technology focuses on the nature of technical artifacts and engineering design, the modeling of socio-technical systems and the nature of technological knowledge.




This course is an introduction to philosophical ways of thinking and questioning. It focusses on the philosophy of technology because technology is an all-pervasive and dominant feature of modern life. It questions some of the basic concepts and conceptual frameworks that we use in thinking about technology and its role in modern life. By doing so it will also show the relevance of philosophy for societal discussions about modern technology. During the lectures and the seminars the students will be challenged to reflect on and argue about philosophical issues about technology.




Computers, Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy of Mind

主讲教授:Jack Copeland


杰克·科普兰是新西兰坎特伯雷大学哲学系的杰出教授。他还是苏黎世瑞士联邦理工学院图灵中心的联合主任和永久访问研究员,以及澳大利亚昆士兰大学哲学荣誉研究教授。2016年,他荣获科维奖,表彰“计算和哲学领域的创新研究的实质性记录”,并于2017年将他的名字加入到IT协会荣誉榜中,该协会将其称为“少数几个对信息产业做出了不寻常的贡献”。杰克出生在伦敦,获得牛津大学的数学逻辑博士学位。他的著作包括《不可或缺的图灵》(牛津大学出版社);《巨人:布莱奇利公园的破译计算机的秘密》(牛津大学出版社); 《阿兰·图灵的电子脑》(牛津大学出版社); 《可计算性:图灵,哥德尔,教会和超越》(麻省理工学院出版社); 《逻辑与现实》(牛津大学出版社)和《人工智能》(布莱克威尔)。他发表了100多篇关于计算和数学逻辑的哲学和历史的文章。 2014年,牛津大学出版社出版了他的高度易读的平装本传记《图灵》,并在2017年发布了他的最新著作《图灵指南》。他的书已被翻译成多种语言。


Jack Copeland FRS NZ is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Canterbury. He is also Co-Director and Permanent Visiting Fellow of the Turing Centre at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and Honorary Research Professor of Philosophy at the University of Queensland, Australia. In 2016 he received the Covey Award in recognition of "a substantial record of innovative research in the field of computing and philosophy", and in 2017 his name was added to the IT History Society Honor Roll, which the Society describes as "a listing of a select few that have made an out-of-the-ordinary contribution to the information industry".A Londoner by birth, Jack gained a D.Phil. in mathematical logic from the University of Oxford. His books include The Essential Turing (Oxford University Press); Colossus: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Codebreaking Computers (Oxford University Press); Alan Turing's Electronic Brain (Oxford University Press); Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond (MIT Press); Logic and Reality (Oxford University Press), and Artificial Intelligence (Blackwell). He has published more than 100 journal articles on the philosophy and history of both computing and mathematical logic. In 2014 Oxford University Press published his highly accessible paperback biography Turing and in 2017 released his latest book The Turing Guide. His books have been translated into many languages.






This course explores philosophical issues concerning computers and computing. It begins with an introduction to the early years of the computer revolution, covering the secret origins of electronic computers during World War II, as well as the first generations of publicly available electronic computers in the 1950s. The earliest work on artificial intelligence, again carried out during World War II, is also covered.

Next, the course addresses a range of fundamental philosophical questions, including: What is a computer? Can computers think? How could you test whether a computer is thinking? Is the human brain a computer? Is the whole universe a computer? Is consciousness necessary for thought and emotion, and could an artificial intelligence (AI) be conscious? What is freewill and could an AI have freewill? Could future kinds of computersintelligent analog computers, saysolve problems that are now officially uncomputable? Will the very existence of the human race be endangered by the development of autonomous AIs?

The course also describes the work of Alan Turing, and his revolutionary ideas and legacy. While a graduate student, Turing invented the fundamental logical principles of the modern computer. He is responsible for the model of computability that underlies modern computer science the universal Turing machine. The course investigates this important concept and the scope and limits of the universal machine.



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