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0.1 莱布尼茨其人

0.1.1 喜忧参半的人生轨道

0.1.2 文理并蓄的全能巨星

0.1.3 生时花未绽,身后名声扬

0.2 聚焦莱布尼茨连续律研究

0.2.1 连续律并非莱布尼茨的首创

0.2.2 莱布尼茨连续律的独特性

0.2.3 亟待澄清的争议难题

0.2.4 研究意义

0.3 国内外研究综述

0.4 研究内容、思路、方法

1 莱布尼茨连续律的缘源

1.1 “连续律的词源考释

1.1.1 “Lex Continuitatis”拉丁语释义

1.1.2 “Lex”“Legem”区分

1.1.3 “Law”“Principle”辨析

1.2 “连续律的相关概念

1.2.1 连续性

1.2.2 离散性

1.2.3 连续统

1.3 “连续律的历史演进

1.3.1 早期朴素直观的连续思维

1.3.2 古希腊自然与哲学连续性

1.3.3 开普勒严格量化的连续性

1.3.4 近代无限小与函数连续律

1.4 莱布尼茨连续律的形成背景

1.4.1 经典线性科学框架

1.4.2 数学虚构主义传统

1.4.3 连续体迷宫的争议

1.4.4 神学最佳合理设计

1.5 本章小结

2 莱布尼茨连续律的发展脉络

2.1 莱布尼茨连续律的演化轨迹

2.1.1 早期从无拐点的曲线出发:触及数学连续律

2.1.2 中期从微差异的逼近出发:界定数学连续律

2.1.3 后期从自然不做飞跃出发:升华至哲学连续律

2.2 函数的平滑可导:数学连续律的节点

2.2.1 源于无限的和谐

2.2.2 无间断点的函数

2.2.3 检验平滑性的自然律

2.2.4 简明逻辑符号表述

2.3 共存的推演秩序:哲学连续律的节点

2.3.1 时间之流:现在承载过去,孕育未来

2.3.2 粘性之褶:弹性与内聚力

2.3.3 位置之跃:超创造予以补救

2.3.4 缺口之美:的必要

2.4 莱布尼茨连续律的特征

2.4.1 理想性

2.4.2 无界性

2.4.3 自相似性

2.4.4 动态生成性

2.5 本章小结

3 数学连续律与微积分的创立和发展

3.1 莱布尼茨微积分的孕育

3.1.1 自然科学计算的需求

3.1.2 曲线切线问题的推进

3.1.3 莱氏的数学逐梦之志

3.1.4 牛顿的运动流数术

3.2 连续律与微积分的成长

3.2.1 连续律与无穷小量的结合

3.2.2 连续律为导数提供依据

3.2.3 连续律判断积分的存在值

3.2.4 连续律确保互逆运算

3.3 连续律在数学中的拓展应用

3.3.1 推导有限量规则至无限

3.3.2 保证无穷数列的极限值

3.3.3 消除不规则图形的边界

3.4 本章小结

4 从数学连续律到哲学连续律的升华

4.1 有关数学与哲学关系之争议

4.1.1 争议的厘清与对立

4.1.2 争议的根源与解决

4.2 莱布尼茨形而上学的数学化趋势

4.2.1 数学启迪哲学概念的定义

4.2.2 哲学借鉴数学的论证方式

4.2.3 数学符号简化哲学命题

4.2.4 数学与形而上学的共通性

4.3 数学连续律通向哲学连续律的路径

4.3.1 哲学连续律弥补数学的限度

4.3.2 数学连续律提供哲学以方法

4.3.3 哲学连续律借鉴数学的精确推理

4.3.4 上帝对连续律双重性的预定安排

4.4 本章小结

5 粘合剂:哲学连续律与认知秩序

5.1 用以解释单子与世界的联结

5.1.1 什么是单子

5.1.2 单子的等级·知觉·记忆

5.1.3 单子与世界的连续函数结构

5.2 予以保障前定和谐与因果的协调

5.2.1 什么是前定和谐

5.2.2 因果间的必然与偶然

5.2.3 连续律是前定和谐论的保障

5.3 赋以彰显认知与真理的统一

5.3.1 知觉与心理意识的同一

5.3.2 真理知识与法律的推演

5.3.3 字符与命题主谓的运算

5.3.4 时空与现象的共存秩序

5.4 本章小结

6 脚手架:哲学连续律与实证科学

6.1 地质科学:化石演化稳定与突变的共生

6.1.1 地球演进的局部动荡与整体稳定

6.1.2 海陆冲击的恒久周期与矢量进步

6.1.3 矿物金属分解自相似的微小结构

6.2 生物科学:物种进化差异与趋同张力

6.2.1 显微镜下的微观揭秘

6.2.2 预成论与差异中的同一

6.2.3 物种分类的非确定边界

6.3 物理科学:对笛卡尔碰撞定理的批判

6.3.1 死力在撞击中转化为活力

6.3.2 连续律弥补碰撞律的缺陷

6.3.3 静止作为运动消逝的极限

6.4 本章小结

7 莱布尼茨连续律的当代审度

7.1 连续律对当代数学的积极影响

7.1.1 康托尔连续统假设的启示

7.1.2 拓扑空间连通性的继承

7.1.3 函数论与迭代法的促进

7.2 连续律在科学中的限度

7.2.1 非线性科学的分形质疑

7.2.2 复杂性与突变论的挑战

7.2.3 量子力学波粒能量的间断

7.3 连续律的定位:伟大但非万能

7.3.1 连续律与过程哲学互补

7.3.2 连续律提供可能性思考

7.3.3 辩证审度:非万能剂

7.4 本章小结




















Leibniz's “law of continuity” is about uninterrupted or coherent laws, emphasizing that changes in nature show the characteristics of smoothness. It advocates that operations or transformation in specific fields is still valid under extreme cases, and objects undergoing gradual changes will retain some attributes when it approaches the critical points. Leibniz attempts to build a bridge between the fields of mathematics, philosophy, and science using laws or principles. The law of continuity is a typical representative, which is the basic thinking principle of unifying these three fields and belongs to the “substrate” of the “metaphysics” level.

As a typical product of the metaphysical trend in Leibniz's mathematics, the law of continuity first appears as a dynamic concept in mathematical ontology. Its core idea is to define the everywhere differentiable curves by infinitesimal changes in each point within the definition domain. This is Leibniz's outstanding “highlight” contribution to calculus that is independent of Newton. Later, it evolves into a commitment to the unity and harmony of the laws of nature, and skillfully integrated into theories such as monadology, pre-established harmony, epistemology, and natural science. The successful application of the law of continuity in many disciplines demonstrates that phenomena can transition and transform smoothly under certain conditions, avoiding the sudden mutations or breaks of certain behaviors. The basic concepts of the law of continuity establishes an ideal framework for explaining the operating mechanisms of nature.

The introduction introduces Leibniz, a scholarly pioneer who straddled the roles of mathematician and philosopher. His mathematical achievements laid the groundwork for metaphysics. His tumultuous life shapes remarkably forward-thinking insights in both thought and action, far ahead of his time. With the gradual publication of the international Leibniz complete works, the exploration of this polymath’s legacy becomes increasingly expansive. This paper will focus on the study of Leibniz’s law of continuity, exploring its natural scientific value beyond traditional law, its dynamic trajectory, mathematical origins, and controversial questions.

Chapter 1 clarifies the origins of the law of continuity. I deeply study the etymological explanation of this concept, and expound its unique features that distinguishes it from similar concepts such as continuity, discreteness and continuum. The law of continuity is not invented by Leibniz. It has gone through a historical evolution from simple and intuitive continuous thinking in the early days to the continuity of nature and philosophy in ancient Greece, to the continuity of Kepler's strict quantification, and to the development of modern infinitesimal calculus and the continuity of functions. This law was born in a “nourishing soil” of natural philosophy and theology, including the fusion of classical linear scientific frameworks, the tradition of mathematical fictionalism, the controversy of continuum labyrinth, and the best theological designs.

Chapter 2 explores the development process and nodes of Leibniz’s law of continuity. Leibniz's thinking on the law of continuity is not achieved overnight, but has gone through several stages from conception to maturity. It evolves from early considerations of “curve without turning points” to mid-term definition of “infinitesimal approximation” and finally sublimate to the principle of “nature does not make leaps” in later stages. Mathematically, the law of continuity can be defined as a rule followed by functions that is differentiated everywhere, originating from infinity, as a criterion for testing the smoothness of curves. Philosophically speaking, the law of continuity implies a coexisting deductive order, which includes four dimensions: “the flow of time, the folding of adhesive, the jumping of position, and the beauty of gaps”, and shows these characteristics of ideality, unboundedness, self-similarity, and dynamic generation.

Chapter 3 delves into how the mathematical law of continuity participates in and promotes the creation of calculus - it carries the infinite derivation of mathematical quantities, acting as a bridge between the finite and infinite, and stipulates that the mathematical rules of finite numbers are also applicable to the infinite. The law of continuity and calculus complement each other, which is embodied in the subtle integration of continuity and infinitesimal, providing theoretical basis for derivatives, judging the existence value of integrals, and ensuring the logical consistency in the inverse processes of differentiation and integration.

Chapter 4 builds on the previous contents and demonstrates in depth the sublimation path from mathematical law of continuity to philosophical law of continuity in detail, and elaborates that law of continuity is a typical product of the metaphysical trend of Leibniz’s mathematics. I interpret the metaphysical tendency of mathematics in Leibniz's thought from four aspects: “the intuitive definition of philosophical concepts inspired by mathematics, the geometric argumentation method that philosophy draws lessons from mathematics, proposition of simplification of mathematical symbols, and the commonality between mathematics and metaphysics”. The sublimation process of the law of continuity from mathematics to philosophy is revealed from the dimension of “the philosophical principles that supplements the limitations of mathematics, mathematical law of continuity providing methods, philosophical law of continuity drawing lessons from mathematical precise reasoning, and God's predetermined arrangements of the dual attributes of the law of continuity.”

Chapter 5 analyzes the “adhesive” function of the law of continuity in philosophical cognition - ensuring the hierarchy and harmonious order of philosophical categories. The principle of continuity provided a vital basis for Leibniz to reject the atomism of matter, which embodies the holistic connection between different states and attributes of things. It has built a continuous chain of motion and memory for monads. The functional structure of the monads and the world reflects the mapping relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm. The certainty of cause and effect adhered to by the law of continuity provides a guarantee for the rationality of the predetermined harmony, endowing philosophical cognition with the order of identity and coexistence for matter.

Chapter 6 interprets the role of the law of continuity as “scaffolding” in empirical science - solidly supporting the traceability and transformation of matter, heterogeneous entities are unified and homogenized in continuous thinking, resolving issues of thresholds and boundaries. Leibniz applies the law of continuity to geological science, revealing the continuation of life from the stability and mutation of fossil evolution. In the field of biological science, he explored the tension between differences and convergences in species evolution. In physical sciences, he uses the law of continuity to reconcile seemingly contradictory physical states, such as living force and dead force, stillness and motion, thus refuting Descartes' law of collision.

Chapter 7 evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of Leibniz’s law of continuity in contemporary mathematics, science and philosophy. Although the law of continuity, as a core principle running through Leibniz's thought, possesses numerous advantages. But these cannot support its “omnipotent” position. Contemporary mathematical theories such as set-theoretic continuity, topological continuity, and iterative methods in functional analysis to some extent extend and develop the core ideas of the law of continuity. However, because the law of continuity is rooted in the linear scientific framework of classical Newtonian mechanics, it has its inherent limitations and lags of the era. Current scientific phenomena, such as nonlinear science, complexity theory, and wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics are already on the opposite side of the law of continuity, and the world appears to be “discrete, fractal, uncertain, and chaotic.” Therefore, it is necessary to keep pace with the times and use cutting-edge mathematical tools as well as physical frameworks to describe complex phenomena. In short, its position can be summarized in one sentence: the law of continuity is great but not omnipotent.


Keywords: Leibniz; Mathematical law of continuity; Calculus; Philosophical law of continuity; Empirical Science


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