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  作者:pst    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2024-6-12    










0.1 不容忽视的疾病与健康界定

0.1.1 疾病概念理解的差异性    

0.1.2 疾病界定决定医学边界    

0.1.3 疾病界定的现实社会影响

0.1.4 对疾病概念的哲学分析    

0.2 疾病界定下的生物功能

0.2.1 生物目的论与生物功能探究的兴起

0.2.2 功能在科学和哲学的讨论

0.3 研究方法

0.3.1 “哲学解释的研究方法     

0.3.2 本文创新之处    


1.1 “建构主义代表学说及其反驳    

1.1.1 定义与历史性论证    

1.1.2 “家族相似的诸多学说     

1.1.3 “解构建构主义的批评观点     

1.2 “自然主义代表学说及其反驳    

1.2.1 “内稳态与自然主义兴起 

1.2.2 布尔斯的生物统计学理论    

1.2.3 对自然主义的三大批判:社会意义缺失、价值隐含与统计质疑

1.3 “混合主义代表学说及其反驳    

1.3.1 韦克菲尔德的有害功能失常论    

1.3.2 对混合主义的批评:理论融合之光还是混沌之源?    


2 疾病论域下的功能与生理学中的功能论   

2.1 自然主义与混合主义的功能性困境

2.1.1 自然主义者布尔斯疾病理论的难题

2.1.2 布尔斯的发展者:疾病理论中的生物功能替换与困境

2.1.3 重启功能探索:对功能失常的语义分析    

2.2 生理学中的功能论

2.2.1 生理学科学案例——循环系统中心房的功能

2.2.2 生命系统中的因果:康明斯的因果角色论 

2.2.3 升级康明斯理论:戴维斯的系统效果论及其难题    


3 演化生物学中的功能论 93

3.1 演化科学案例研究——大蝙蝠亚目大睾丸的功能   

3.1.1 霍斯肯的适应假设关联检验    

3.1.2 费尔森斯丁的系统发育独立对比法检验    

3.2 “溯因论的代表学说    


3.3.2 演化的历史:米利肯的选择溯因论    

3.2.3 近期的选择压力:戈弗雷-史密斯的近期选择溯因论



4.1 组织理论与科学案例   

4.1.1 血糖负反馈功能案例

4.1.2 探究生命闭环因果:组织理论与其问题

4.2 其他的功能理论   

4.2.1 对生存与繁殖的贡献:目标贡献理论及其问题 

4.2.2 探究可能性和倾向性:生命机会理论及其问题 

4.2.3 当前的效用与设计:非历史选择理论及其问题 


5 一种新的功能论:分子适应功能论

5.1 分子适应科学案例——膝关节软骨细胞调节的演化

5.1.1 人类直立行走演化历史    

5.1.2 膝关节特异性调控元件的生物功能

5.1.3 调节元件的变异如何引发关节炎    

5.2 分子适应功能理论及其跨学科背景   

5.2.1 生理与演化的交汇:跨学科视野下的分子功能    

5.2.2 基因组视野下对适应性分子的探究

5.2.3 定义与解释

5.3 分子适应功能的综合解释力

5.3.1 符合好的功能理论的标准

5.3.2 解决其他功能理论的难题


6 一种新的疾病理论:分子适应疾病理论

6.1 分子适应疾病理论与科学背景   

6.1.1 一般性定义

6.1.2 医学范式的转换与发展:对疾病概念内涵的拓展

6.2 分子适应疾病理论的解释力

6.2.1 新自然主义对疾病的理论解释力    

6.2.2 对疾病争议性案例具有的解释力    






















       “Disease”and “health”are fundamental concepts in medicine and a central topic of discussion in the philosophy of medicine. The discussion of“what is disease” has aroused widespread concern in society and academia for the following four general reasons: First, in society, the tendency to medicalize non-medical problems in daily life; second, in theory, disease is often the basic starting point for disputes over medical ethics and disease delimitation; third, in reality, the concept of disease has a profound impact on individual perception, the organizational structure of medicine, and the allocation of medical and social resources; fourth, in perception, disease shows great variability among the general public, medical experts, and medical educators.

       There are many schools of thought involved in the portrayal of illness in the philosophy of medicine, such as analytical philosophy, which emphasizes linguistic analysis; French postmodernism, which highlights power structures; phenomenology, which describes subjective experience; and sociology, which focuses on social values. These schools of thought can be roughly divided into “naturalism” and “constructivism.Naturalism defines disease regarding objective, value-free biological functions, while constructivism gives judgments about disease based on socio-cultural values.

       The most significant challenges facing naturalists are: first, the inability to select diseases from natural categories in the value-free manner claimed by the position because Boorse's biostatistical theory is permeated by value judgments; second, the inability to provide a valid account of the norms in medicine; Second, it cannot provide an adequate explanation of the normal standards in medicine. Boorse's biostatistical definition of normality is based on the performance of the majority within a specific population, which fails to account for the experience of epidemic disease. The difficulty with constructivism is the inability to distinguish between medical and non-medical negative values and the difficulty of forming judgments about what constitutes disease without relying on biological facts.

       To overcome the many difficulties faced by function theory and naturalism on disease, this paper attempts to address each challenge by giving a molecularly adaptation disease theory built on molecularly adaption function theory.

       Under the naturalistic path, disease is usually defined as a biological malfunction. Theories of biological functioning are divided into six significant schools: “causal role theory,” which focuses on the use of physiological functions; “etiological theory,” which explores the functions of evolutionary biology; “organization theory,” which emphasizes the closed-loop causality of life; “goal contribution theory” which explores the contribution of survival and reproduction; “life chance theory” which discovers possibilities and predispositions; and “ahistorical theory” which focuses on current utility and design. However, each has its advantages and disadvantages, and so far, no universally recognized theory of biological function exists. The causal role theory has the advantage of empirical verifiability. Still, it cannot account for biological malfunction or distinguish between function and accident. In contrast, etiological theory offers an excellent normative account of malfunction but is not verifiable.

       First, by exploring the results of the latest sciences, such as genomics, molecular biology, and evolutionary biology, we propose a new theory of function, “molecular adaptation theory,” in which biological function is a function of adaptive molecules during evolution. Molecular adaptation theory can effectively address three critical challenges recognized in functional theory: first, it can provide a normal criterion of function through the history of molecules being selected in evolution; second, it can solve the difficulty of distinguishing function from accidental accidents by distinguishing between adaptive and non-adaptive in the history of evolution; and third, it can solve the validation difficulty of etiological theories by verifying function through the experiments of controlled variables at the molecular level.

       Secondly, based on molecular adaptation function theory, we continue to track the new developments in genomic medicine, precision medicine, evolutionary medicine, and other fields and put forward themolecular adaptation theory disease theory,” i.e., the disease is a malfunction of molecular adaptive function. Molecular adaptation disease theory addresses two significant challenges facing traditional naturalism - selecting valueless natural classes and providing rational criteria for normal biological function. To address the first substantial challenge, molecular adaptation disease theory selects an adaptive fraction from all molecules determined solely by the value-free process of natural selection, which contains no social or anthropogenic values. In response to the second challenge, the molecular adaptation disease theory defines disease as the failure of evolutionary adaptive molecules to function in harmful environments, regardless of the size of the affected population.  Another great advantage of our theory is the ability to empirically validate adaptations at the molecular level rather than remaining at the level of speculative hypotheses. At the practical level, the molecular adaptation disease theory provides a consistent set of criteria to differentiate between disease and non-disease, enabling the determination of contentious medical cases such as obesity, homosexuality, menopausal syndrome, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


Key words: Disease; Function theory; Naturalism; Constructivism; Molecular Adaptation Theory

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