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  作者:PST    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2022-9-6    







1章 绪 论

1.1 选题的背景与研究意义



1.2 国内外研究综述




1.3 研究思路与研究方法

1.3.1 研究思路与文章结构   

1.3.2 研究的方法   

1.4 研究的创新之处 

1.5 研究不足与困难 

2章 何为技术的媒介化

2.1 技术媒介化的外延界定和内涵辨析



2.1.3 狭义、广义技术之争中的技术媒介化

2.2 人工物层面的技术媒介化

2.3 文化符号层面的技术媒介化

2.4 社会环境层面的技术媒介化

2.5 本章小结

3章 技术如何媒介化

3.1 技术介入到信息传播中   



3.2 技术介入到身份构建中   



3.3 技术介入到认知活动中   




3.4 技术介入到社会环境中   

3.4.1 技术介入到物质生活环境中 

3.4.2 技术介入到精神文化环境中 

3.5 本章小结   

4章 为何技术会媒介化

4.1 技术的媒介化是技术的演化方式   

4.1.1 技术的媒介化是技术革命的必然结果 

4.1.2 技术的媒介化是技术演化的必然方 

4.1.3 技术的媒介化是技术竞争的必然选择 

4.1.4 案例分析:自行车的逆袭   

4.2 技术的媒介化是人类的生存方式   

4.2.1 技术的媒介化促进了人体的进化 

4.2.2 技术的媒介化弥补了人体的缺陷 

4.2.3 技术的媒介化构成了人体的保护膜   

4.2.4 案例分析:技术的媒介化与“清末新政”

4.3 技术的媒介化是认知发展的方式   

4.3.1 技术的媒介化促进新知识形成   

4.3.2 技术的媒介化改变认知方式 


4.3.4 案例分析:大数据思维与数字人文的兴起 

4.4 本章小结   

5  技术媒介化问题的进一步研究

5.1 从“是……”到“与……关系”   


5.1.2 三种主要的“技术关系”   

5.2 技术媒介化研究的可能性 

5.2.1 媒介化的意向性   

5.2.2 将技术中止悬置   

5.2.3 猜测的研究对象   

5.2.4 认识论的合法性   

5.3 走向现象学的技术媒介化研究 

5.4 本章小结   



摘 要











The medialized of technology refers to the technical phenomenon that technology becomes medialized technology through media. In contrast to classical information theory, the medium discussed in this paper is no longer limited to a communication channel that disseminates information, but is a technological presence capable of reconstructing information and conveying content preferences according to its own structure. The mediated technology does not mean the pan-mediated technology, the product of the mediated technology is the medialized technology, not all technology is the medialized technology, for example: the material production technology is not the medialized technology, but the product of the technology production. By examining the history of technology, the mediatisation of technology is not a change in the conception of technology or the mediatisation of the conception of technology, nor is it a general mediatisation in the definition of technology. As a vivid technological phenomenon, the phenomenon of mediated technology is real, and medialized technology as a product of mediated technology is concrete. In order to carry out in-depth research, this paper takes the phenomenon of mediated technology as the research theme, draws on the academic ideas related to the study of mediated technology in the two research traditions of communication and philosophy of technology, and focuses on answering the questions of "What is the medialized technology", "How the technology become to the medialized technology", and "Why the technology can become to the medialized technology". Finally, this paper reviews the previous research, further studies the media of technology, and tries to sort out a more suitable research approach to the phenomenon about the mediated of technology , in order to break through the previous research paradigm.

The first chapter mainly demarcates and discriminates the denotation and connotation of technology intermediation. By distinguishing the technology of matter from the technology of phenomenon, the media of technology and the production of technology, the extension of the media of technology is demarcated. Then, by identifying the difference between similar concepts such as the mediatisation of technology and the technologisation of media, medialized technology and media technology, the connotation of the mediatisation of technology is clarified. On this basis, from the level of artifacts, cultural symbols and social environment, the paper analyzes in detail what is the media of technology.

The second chapter, " How the technology become to the medialized technology ", is a logical extension of " What is the medialized technology ". Including three questions:How technology becomes a medialized technology, how technology becomes a cultural symbol, and how technology becomes a social environment. Based on the clues of "technology involved in information dissemination,""technology involvedin identity construction""technology involved in cognition," and "technology involved in social environment," the paper discusses the above three issues in depth.

The third chapter analyzes the reasons why the technology can become to the medialized technology from the internal and external factors. Contradiction is the motive force of the development of things, the internal contradiction can be regarded as the internal cause, the external contradiction can be regarded as the external cause, and the internal and external causes together constitute the motive force of technology media. In other words, the intermediation of technology is actually a self-moving process caused by the contradiction between the internal and external of technology. The internal cause of technology intermediation is mainly the contradiction between technology and technology, that is, the contradiction between the development of new and old technologies. The emergence of new technologies and the disappearance of old technologies are the inevitable results of technology evolution. Technology intermediation is an important way to form new technologies and an important trend of technology evolution. The external cause of technology intermediation is embodied in the contradiction between human and technology, which specifically refers to the contradiction between the Infinity of human's material and spiritual needs and the limitation of human's own ability, the contradiction between the limitation of human's cognitive ability and the Infinity of cognitive objects, the contradiction between the limitation of human's communication means and the Infinity of social relations. Similarly, the intermediation of technology is an important way to solve the above-mentioned contradictions. Therefore, the intermediation of technology constitutes an important way for technology to evolve, human to exist and cognition to progress. The above internal and external factors together constitute the reason for  the technology can become to the medialized technology.

The fourth chapter further investigates the problems about the technical phenomenon that technology becomes medialized technology through media.The paper argues that the question of "What the technology is ......" has been answered by dividing "technology of thing-in-intself" and "technology of phenomena". Therefore, the study of the phenomenon of mediated technology should shift from the question of "technology is ......" to the question of "the relationship between technology and ......". Based on this, this paper demonstrates the cognitive object, the legitimacy of cognitive theory and the possibility of the study of technology intermediation, and tries to sort out a more suitable research path of technology phenomenology to study the phenomenon and problems of  medialized technology.

The concluding section summarizes the research lineage and conclusions of the whole paper, and concludes that this paper has initially tried to construct a more complete theoretical system of the philosophy of technology with the phenomenon of medialized technology as the object of study, with the aim of providing a new research perspective on the philosophy of technology today.

Key words: the philosophy of technology; media ecology; phenomenology


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