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2018 - 赵绪涛:科学实在论辩疑
  作者:pst    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2018-5-22    


题    目:科学实在论辩疑

答 辩 人:赵绪涛




引言  科学实在论争论之审度

1 标准科学实在论及其辩护  

1.1 标准科学实在论之界定  

1.1.1 “版本数量大于研究人数”  

1.1.2 “科学为真”

1.2 辩护:从“成功”到“为真”  

1.2.1 无奇迹论证  

1.2.2 稳健性论证  

1.2.3 最佳说明推理  

1.2.4 辩护链条

2 标准科学实在论的难题  

2.1 针对辩护方式的反驳  

2.1.1 最佳说明推理的难题

2.1.2 悲观归纳论证:成功与真无关

2.1.3 重新发现科学唯实论及其意义  

2.2 针对真理立场的反驳  

2.2.1 标准科学实在论真理观两难  

2.2.2 科学实在论与真理关系的消除主义进路


3 标准科学实在论作为强纲领

3.1 科学哲学的反标准科学实在论传统  

3.1.1 从逻辑实证主义到证伪主义

3.1.2 历史主义和建构主义

3.2 自然科学家的反科学实在论传统

3.2.1 拯救现象:古代天文学的传统  

3.2.2 牛顿的万有引力:不臆造形而上学假说  

3.2.3 近代电磁理论的实在论之争

3.2.4 玻尔的工具主义

3.3 标准科学实在论仅为特定科学哲学观点

4 非标准科学实在论:对实在的辩护姿态  

4.1 所谓实在问题

4.2 实在问题之争:我们到了哪里  

4.3 结构实在论作为争论的分界  

4.4 科学实在论争论双方的共识

4.4.1 全面实在论:存在外部世界

4.4.2 全面反实在论:认知无法通达实在

4.5 主要的反实在论转化为科学实在论版本

4.6 科学实在论究竟是什么

5 科学实在论争论不能解决实在问题  

5.1 量子力学解释悬而未决  

5.2 弦物理学与当前科学实在论无关  

  5.2.1 非经验证实的三个理由和三个论证  

  5.2.2 为什么相信一个理论  

  5.2.3 非经验证实论证的缺陷  

5.3 暗物质和暗能量研究支持非充分决定性论证 109

  5.3.1 暗物质理论的发展 110

  5.3.2 暗能量概念的兴起 112

  5.3.3 支持非充分决定性论证

5.4 科学问题和科学实在论问题

6 科学的实在观

6.1 恰当地理解科学和实在:审度的科学实在论立场

6.2 从标准科学实在论到科学的实在观

6.3 推荐依赖模型实在论

  6.3.1 “神目观”的破除

  6.3.2 依赖模型实在论的理论渊源

  6.3.3 超越争论

  6.3.4 依赖模型实在论的意义

结语  相信科学:科学乐观主义者的一个宣言





                                摘  要






















What is exactly and what should be the scientific realism are the core issues of this article.

Chapter 1~4 analyzed the “what is exactly” question, Chapter 5 and 6 analyzed the “what should be” question.

The concise answer is: the term “scientific realism” concurrently refers to contradictory “standard scientific realism” and “non-standard scientific realism”, this resulted in the suspicion of scientific realism; scientific realism, in terms of reference, should be the so-called “general scientific realism”, and in terms of content, should be the “scientific conception of reality”.

Chapter 1~4 aim at comprehending the scientific realism debates with a new approach and try to reveal the above-mentioned suspicion.

Chapter 1 analyzed what the term “scientific realism” commonly referred. Its main characteristics are that, it defined by metaphysics, semantics, and epistemology thesis; it defended mainly by the no-miracles argument, and concluded with science is (approximately) true because of the fact that science is successful. This kind of scientific realism was denoted with “standard scientific realism” (SSR for short in this context). The problems of SSR are that, which is analyzed in Chapter 2, defenses based on Inference to the Best Explanation are essentially unreliable; and the view of “science pursues truth”, is not appropriate. Chapter 3 stated that SSR is a position too strong to be satisfied. It is just a specific position put forward by some scientific philosophers in 1970s~1980s.

Non-SSR refers to positions objecting SSR in semantic and epistemological approaches, yet still be called with “scientific realism”, such as realism about entity and structural realism.   

Chapter 4 proposed a novel argument that the main claims of current anti-realisms can be translated into a scientific realism version. Then, the term “scientific realism” lacks clarity.

However, if “scientific realism” is comprehended as the position based on or examines natural sciences and defends the reality of external world (at least a part of it, such as entities, processes, and structures), then the transformed anti-realism will also be included in this concept. This comprehension is the only common feature of both SSR and non-SSR. “scientific realism” in this sense, is denoting the positions with defensive gesture of reality, instead of its usual implications.

Chapter 5 and 6 reconsidered scientific realism debates based on above mentioned clues and revealed the appropriate significance of the debates, which is appropriately understand science and reality, with the core concept, “scientific conception of reality”.

Chapter 5 analyzed three frontiers of contemporary physics and indicated that they could neither be the foundation of scientific realism, nor be defended by it, the main reason is that they are not mature theories. Among these frontiers, the current research status of dark matter and dark energy clearly supports the underdetermination argument of anti-realism. Furthermore, science questions and philosophy of science questions should not be confused, once the differences of them is clarified, then the significance of the debates could be clarified.

Chapter 6 comprehended the proper significance of scientific realism debates as appropriately understand science and reality. This is also the ultimate significance of the reconsideration of the debates. With this comprehension, a position based on or examines natural sciences and defends the reality of external world (or at least part of it, such as entities, processes, and structures), whatever it should be called, for instance, scientific realism, anti-realism or general scientific realism, is not a crucial issue; the crucial issue should be how this view might be and specifically what it should be.

For the convenience of expression, this article refers to the view that makes people more profoundly understand science and reality as the “scientific conception of reality.”

The progress of scientific realism debates could be regarded as establishing more appropriate scientific conception of reality from the SSR. Scientific conception of reality has at least three characteristics: it depends on the inquiries of reality of natural sciences; it carefully treats any metaphysical presupposition; and remain open to any possible development of science and philosophy of science in the future.

At last, this article recommended the model-dependent realism as an appropriate scientific conception of reality in the background of contemporary natural sciences and philosophy of science.

The conclusion part briefly reviewed the contents of this article after concisely expressed the analysis of the suspicion of scientific realism: the reference of “scientific realism” is not clear; main anti-realisms can be translated into a scientific realism version; “scientific realism” should be understood as “scientific conception of reality”; and expressed a scientific optimist’s attitude towards reality issues: trust science.

Keywords: Scientific Realism; Anti-Realism; Conception of Reality




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