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  作者:史现明    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011-7-11    



















导 言

0.1 思考科技本质的现代哲学家

0.2 国内外研究现状综述

0.3 论文的逻辑结构

0.4 论文的核心内容与创新


1  海德格尔研究方法的起点

1.1 对胡塞尔等人思想的继承与超越

1.1.1 胡塞尔现象学的核心内容


1.1.3 海德格尔现象学的内涵——面向事情本身

1.2 重提“存在”问题

1.2.1 存在与哲学、现象学





2章 海德格尔论科学的本质、“基础”与科技进步

2.1 从“基本概念”到“数学筹划”


2.1.2 关于“数学的东西”(数学因素)

2.1.3 数学的可应用性来自于“可靠性”

2.2 近现代科学本质的两种表述


2.2.2 “世界图象的时代”

2.2.3 “科学是现实之物的理论”


2.3 科学“进步”的本质与动力

2.3.1 什么是“科学进步”

2.3.2 “科技变革”的动力

2.4 科学创造是从“无”中“汲取”



2.5 对传统知识论的批判


2.5.2 知识论的客观性批判

2.6 对物、器具与实在关系的思考

2.6.1 “物的追问”是一个历史性问题

2.6.2 物之物性与器具之器具性

2.6.3 科技时代物之物性的丧失


2.7 论确定性、精确性与严格性之关系




3  海德格尔论技术及其本质

3.1 批判工具性和人类学的技术观



3.2 论新时代技术的特征及其“展现”



3.3 技术的本质是“集置”

3.3.1 “技术”的词源学考察

3.3.2 “持存物”



3.4 技术是“最高的危险”

3.4.1 文化诸领域在科学技术后面充当爬虫

3.4.2 “同类相食”——人与事物本质的丧失

3.4.3 技术是“最高的危险”


4章 海德格尔对真理的思考



4.2.1 本质一词的多种含义


4.2.3 存在与真理



4.3 “真理的本质乃是自由”


4.3.2 “真理的本质乃是自由”

4.3.3 自由与束缚的“辩证法”

4.4 真理、艺术与语言的“亲缘”


4.4.2 “语言是存在之家”

4.5 “真理”发生的五种方式


5章 意义的失落与“原子时代”的转折

5.1 科学与意义


5.1.2 科学要“反其道而行之”

5.2 时代的虚无主义


5.2.2 “哲学的终结与思想的任务”

5.3 “冷静”与“转折”








Heidegger was a philosopher who reflected the essence of science and technology thoroughly. From highschool when he began to study natural science on, he reflected what is science right away, and this interest never broke during his long academic career. From Freiberg period on, when he became a assistant to his latest collections of essays: Technology and Turning, Heidegger brought forth abundant thinking about science, technology and truth during this 50 years or so. Though his thought varied ceaselessly in several decades, science and technology as a theme never changed fundamentally.Heidegger criticized husserls phenomenology, sublated Husserls conceptions such as intentionality, evidence, seeing of essence(reduction),world etc, founded phenomenology on the basis of Being and fore-understanding of the world. Through tracing the problem of Being and phenomenological referencework by etymology, Heidegger integrated phenomenological method with his ontology .In the meantime, he developed Scotus phenomenology into fractical hermeneutic with the influence of Lask, Scheler and Dilthey, etc. For Heidegger, phenomenological method and his philosophy are unified.

Heidegger reflected the essence of science, technology and truth in the background of phenomenology and ontology. For the essence of science separately, there are three aspects of research. First, I probe into the problem of science as mathematical project firstly, then the essence of science, finally, the problem of scientific development. In Being And Time, he thought science was mathematical project of nature. Between 1930s and 1950s, Heidegger put forward different propositions on the problem of scientific essence. In 1930s,he put forward the essence of modern science was research, and concretely there were three elements projectEntwurf)&severeness (Strenge),methodVerfahren, corporationBetrieb.Then in 1950s, Heidegger put forward science is the theory of practical thing which was Heideggers other conclusion in reflecting the unseeing and un-avoiding thing in science. In light of etymology analysis on the concepts practical thingand theory, Heidegger referred practical thing was varied from effecting presence into object(Gegen-Stand).Theorytheoreintheoriameans caring the truth in Ancient Greek. Finally, the two theories were unified in analyzing through the concept——contrapositionnessGegenständlichkeit,It made conclusions that these two theories were united. The essence of science means what is science, and in the mean time it includes the development, progress of science. On the one hand, the problems such as scientific development, revolution are misunderstood superficially. On the other hand, because these problems tight closely with innovation or creation, while these problems were distorted in Heideggers view, this chapter stated scientific development including what is development, the motivation of development in the discussion of the essence of science furthermore.

The basis of science is further broadening of the essence of science in which epistemology and thing reality are its main contents. In modern society, science and knowledge are coincided to a large extent and could usually be displaced. In addition, the problem of thing is the core of epistemology in the view of Heidegger. Heidegger once discussed such as thing, thingness , the relations between thing and knowledge, the difference between thing and instrument in detail. As Deway once said, any knowledge is the result of pursuing certainty. Certainty is the important character of west epistemology and the main content of west philosophy of science. Quoting Diltheys famous statement in distinguishing between natural science and humanities, this chapter illustrated the relations between certainty and rightness, accuracy and severity on the ground of Heideggers thinking.

From the view point of instrumentallity and anthropology, Heidegger referred they were right but not real, through etymology analysis he thought that technology was one form of unfolding essentially which was dominating the man, the beings and the world. Heidegger pointed out the metaphysical origination of technology from ontological standpoint, and analyzed enframing”(Ge-stell,inventory (bestand) which related it closely. Moreover, this chapter analyzed the two contradictory concepts superficially: the essence of technology lies in science and the essence of science lies in the essence of technology, clarified their relations. Modern technology is a forced un-concealment which makes man and beings lose their essence. So this chapter analyzed Heideggers important proposition technology era is supreme danger at last.

The problem of truth which was a indispensable part in the field of philosophy of science and technology forever. Science and technology are both project on nature in broad sense and belong to the field of unfolding. This chapter clarified the concept of essence firstly. In criticizing the correspondence theory of truth, unfolding theory of truth was disclosed namely. Owing to the essence of truth is un-truth, this chapter also discussed relations among concealment and un-concealment, truth, un-truth and fallacy. Since unfolding truth is the most original truth which mostly includes all human being field, so on the basis of analysis of the proposition the essence of truth is freedom, this chapter discusses the connections among truth and art, language, as well as five occurring forms of truth.

Finnally, I discussed the meaning of human life and the turning faced by our era in science and technology age. No matter investigating science, technology or truth, Heidegger would divert all problems into the existence of human. In the problem of existence, the meaning of living is no doubt prime and general. This chapter analyzed what is meaning, the relation between science and meaning. In Heideggers view,the lost of meaning, the nihilism, namely the forgetting of Being tight together briefly. These problems revealed in the form of enframing(Ge-stell) in modern epoch. Enframing is not only attack and compelling, but acts as promiseand lasting, so this radical form of dominating human being implies new turning——“where there is danger, there is redemption. Heidegger considered that calm means open to Being. In light of reflecting calmly, man could prepare for the coming turning. Only in the calm, the abundant possibility could appear. Only where there is different from the unfolding of science and technology, there contain the possibility of turning.

    In conclusion part I put forward, only human abandon the thinking pattern of objectification and representation, recover the right of natural knowledge, act as the guardian of Being, not the owner, man can dwell in this good earth poetically.


    Key words: Heidegger, science, technology, truth , ontology.

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