Research Areas: philosophy and ethics of science, technology, and engineering, STS
Carl Mitcham earned degrees from the University of Colorado (BA, MA) and Fordham University (PhD) and has held faculty appointments previously at Berea College (Kentucky), St. Catharine College (Kentucky), Brooklyn Polytechnic University, Pennsylvania State University, and Colorado School of Mines. He has also served in visiting positions at the Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez (1988), Universidad de Oviedo (1993), the Universities of Tilburg and Twente, Netherlands (1998), and as Fulbright Professor at the Universidad de País Vasco, Spain (2003-2004).
Mitcham’s publications include Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Philosophy (1994), Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics (4 vols., 2005; second edition, with J. Britt Holbrook, 2014), Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity (2010, with Robert Frodeman and Julie Thompson Klein), and Ethics and Science: An Introduction (2012, with Adam Briggle). Chinese publications include: 《技术哲学概论》(1999), 《通过技术思考—工程与哲学之间的道路》 (2008), 《同行评议、研究诚信与科学治理:实践、理论与当代议题》 (2012), and 《工程与哲学:历史的、哲学的和批判的视角》 (2013).
Mitcham holds affiliate appointments at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado Boulder; the Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes, Arizona State University; and the Filosofía, Ciencia y Valores program, Universidad del País Vasco. Additionally he has served as a member of the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1994-2000) and on expert study groups for the European Commission (2009 and 2012). His awards include the International World Technology Network (WTN) award for Ethics (2006) and a Doctorate HonorisUniversitat Internacional Valenciana, Spain (2010).